'The Corrupted File'

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                     ***Nick Fury***

A picture fell out of Wakanda's jacket.

Wait I know the persons in the picture.

Its Jonathan Pacino and Emily Pacino my partners with a little girl. Its Wakanda their daughter.

Wait. Wakanda? Does that mean that the Wakanda infront of me is the daughter of Jonathan and Emily?

But, why does her surname is DiCarpio.

Wait. Holy crap. Emily's surname before was DiCarpio before she was married to Jonathan.

Why I didn't notice it at first?!

'The Corrupted file sir. The truth is in that file. Sir Jonathan installed it.'

I remember Coulson said that to me before he died.

"Sir you need to get out, her pulse is going down. She needs air." I heard the doctor said to Captain and Stark.

"Just make sure she survive." Stark said to the doctor before going out.

I follow them outside.

"Why am I so affected on her?" Stark asked before looking at me.

I can see the worry in his eyes.

"Freaking answer me Nick." He said while stopping in his tracks and stand infront of me.

I just walked pass him still can't get over what I have just found out.

I walked to Coulson's computer and opened the file that he was saying.

Goodness. Wakanda is really the daughter of Jonathan and Emily.

How could I not know this?!

I slam the table causing for our staffs to look at me.

I shut down the computer and walked towards our meeting table.

Stark and Captain are already sitting there.

"I lost my one good ally." I said while throwing the cards that have found in Phil's jacket.

"There was an idea. Stark knows this. Called the Avengers initiate. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people see if they could work together, see if they could become something more when they need at the battle that we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing on that idea." I explained while holding the chair infront of me.

Stark stand up and walk out. He must be hurt losing one of our ally.

"What happened out there?" I asked Captain.

"Wakanda. She saved my life." He said before staring into my eyes.

"I know I am missing something sir. I know we've met already. But, why does I can't remember it?" He asked me.

"You and Wakanda met?" I asked more to myself.

So, Jonathan you fool. You didn't said that Wakanda save him. You just said Wakanda save someone.

"You can't remember anything aren't you?" I asked while staring at him.

He shake his head with his eyes full of curiousness and worryness.

"You will soon remember it." I whispered to his ears before walking away.

           ***Wakanda DiCarpio***

Ah.. my arms and my back hurts..

I opened my eyes slowly. Tony's asleep beside my bed.

I started to cough and it has some blood. I immediately wiped it using the handkerchief that is on top of the table.

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