'Memories of the Avengers (Steve Rogers)'

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I have been awake, and to be found out that I am still alive after being in that ice.

I headed out, running for my life. I was trapped in the middle, but this girl stands beside me.

"Stop. Don't move. Don't talk. Shut up! Or I'll kill every one of you who are holding guns." This girl said, she's brave.

A man with a one eye patched gesture for them to lower their guns.

"Wakanda what are you doing?" The man with one eye patched asked, but his hand is on his gun.

"Just having some fun. I'll take care of Steve." This girl is Wakanda, she just stands there looking angry with her hands inside his jacket pockets.

They shot the guns to us, but the bullets are not actually bullets. Its candies.

"Told you, I am having some fun." Wakanda said to the man with one eye patched.

That man glare at Wakanda.

"If you could excuse us, sir Nick. I'm sure Steve here is hungry now, I'll take him to a burger stand." Wakanda said, holding my arm and pulled me to walk away from the middle of the road.

So, the man with one eye patched he is called sir Nick.

This sir Nick started to ramble about Wakanda who is interfering to their needs.

"Whatever you say, sir Nick." She said quickly glancing at him kne last time before pulling me close to her.

"By the way, I am Wakanda DiCarpio incase you didn't know. Oh right, how could you know if you just wake up. I'm sorry I am a fool." She said while we sit infront of she called burger stand.

"You are not a fool. But why did you help me there?" I asked, curious.

"Doesn't matter. Do you want a burger?" She said while staring at me. The way she stare, its like she is seeing me from outside to inside.

Before I could answer, she interfere.

"I'm sorry you didn't know burger right? Don't worry I'll get you the very delicious burger." She said while standing up, and go the counter to order that she called burger.

Soon she returned to our sit with burgers on her hand. Its like a bread with a steak on the middle.

"Here, this is very delicious. This is how you eat it.." She explained while getting it to her hands and she bite to the whole thing.

"Like that.." She said smiling at me, while chewing it. She looks so adorable.

I stare at her while she's eating. The way the sunshine dance on her eyes, the way her lips devoured the deliciousness of the burger.

"Oh why are you still not eating? I'm sure you are hungry. Please eat." She said while pushing the burger near me.

Her words are like hallicunation, its like her words are demanding me to eat.

I started to eat it, and it actually taste delicious. I sip the soda that they are calling. Its taste delicious too.

She smiles at me, while she use her fingers to wipe a dirt on my lips. She looks so gorgeous. She's like a drug, you can't get out of your head.

I blink many times, turning myself into reality. What is that? Did I just experienced flashback of my memories that I clearly forgot. I looked to Tony who is holding Wakanda's hand. Its like Wakanda was have been part of our lives.

But why we didn't know?! Why we can't remember just now?! Wakanda you fool... Why didn't you breath a word to us that you are the one who saved us?


After a week have passed, Wakanda got me an apartment. I am here walking down the corridor when I heard shoutings on the main road.

I run there as fast as I can there is nothing. Soon I am surrounded by unknown people. Its a fuckin' trap. And I have been trapped.

Before they could attack me, a pair of hands holds me.

Its Wakanda holding me.

"I told you to not go to the main roads while I am out." She said while she hugged me for a second and pulled away.

The unknown people started to crumble like a dust. Its one of Wakanda's powers. She's so cool. I have been found out myself that I am always thinking about her. Its too soon to called love. But, I know that she's special to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked examining my body and my face.

"Wakanda ofcourse I'm fine." I said assuring her.

She nodded and use her hand to shoot a fire to more incoming unknown people, or rather I should call them not people. Assholes.

"Just stay here." She said, before I could stop her she's gone.

After two minute, she's back have a long slice on her left arm.

"Wakanda! What happened you should've waited me, I can fight too." I stated while holding her shoulders.

"I'm fine, just didn't saw that coming." Wakanda explained, showing me a smile, but I know she's not okay.

"I am really okay Steve. I can heal myself it just take a while because I got out of energy." She said before she fall to her knees I catched her. My left arm around her waist.

My right hand cupping her face. I stare at her eyes down to her lips.

I smashed my lips to hers, kissing, tasting her. She kissed back deepening the kiss. I smile through the kiss, I kissed her like I'll never see her again after that.

We both pulled away catching our breaths, when we finally catched it, I kissed her again this time like I can't let go of her.

Little did I know, that.... that is the last time I got to be with her. I drop to my knees, my shield supporting me.

Why didn't I remember that? It's one of my cherish moments. Why?!


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