'Tony Stark'

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            ***Wakanda DiCarpio***

Yesterday, I left Clint with his kids to spend time with him.

Now I am here back at S.H.I.E.L.D. Its 5:00 a.m. And I can't still sleep.

I headed out to make myself a coffee.

Soon, Tony is heading towards me while rubbing his eyes.

"You want coffee?" I asked before looking at his eyes.

"Yep. You couldn't sleep?" He said, sitting on the chair.

"Yeah.." I said while giving the coffee to him.

"This might be my last day on earth, Tony." I muttered taking a seat beside him.

He stares at me with mixed emotions. But, I can see more that he's sad and angry.

"No, no. That's not gonna happen." He said while staring at my eyes.

"We both know, that I... I will die, Tony." I stated.

He suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"Shut up. Don't say anything anymore. I'll never let you die. Not on my watch, Wakanda." He whispered to my ear still hugging me.

He kissed my forehead before letting go.

"Dress up, we'll go somewhere." He said before standing up.

I nodded, heading to my room changing into a white t-shirt with a letter S on it, tacking into my ripped jeans while wearing sneakers.

"So, where are you going that you need to suit up, Mr. Stark?" I said while smiling slightly.

"Come here." He said gesturing for me to come towards him.

He place me on his back.

"Hold tightly baby bear.." He said before wandering off into the sky.

I hold tightly to his shoulder enjoying the wind.

We soon arrive at the Stark Tower.

"What are we doing here?" I asked Tony who is taking off his suit.

"I want to show you my paradise." Tony said, pulling me into his arms.

He winks at me, and pulled me closer to his arms.

He stares at my eyes down to my lips.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked in a deep, husky voice.

"What about Pepper?" I asked staring back at him.

"I'll explain everything to her, don't worry." He said nearing his face to mine.

"For now, let me just kiss you before I fucking lose my mind." Tony said, he didn't let me reply, he already smashed his lips to mine.

He pinned me to the wall, putting his arms around my waist.

I put my left arm around his neck, using my right hand to tangled with his hair to push him deeper to my lips.

We kissed, longing for each others taste, longing for each others presence.

We kissed until we are breathless.

He pulled away, staring at my eyes.

"That was damn great." He whispered on my ears, before pulling me into a last passionate kiss.

"Can we just cuddle up, until night?" He asked, pulling away, you can see it in his eyes, that he don't want me to die.

"Anything, I'll do anything." I said pecking his lips one more time, and with that we watch movies, while in each others arms.

This is making me sad, that I needed to die, in order for them to remember me.


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