'Memories of the Avengers (Tony Stark)'

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"Tony Stark. The former head of Stark Industries." A voice echoed through the quiet room.

Tony looked slowly who is it, and it turns out that it is the HYDRA.

Tony is badly beaten up, his face is full of bruises, his arm are sprained.

He can't think straight that time, he's mind is like being crushed slowly, ver slowly.

The man who works at the HYDRA is still doing something to him. Not only his body also his mind.

"I think you should stop whatever's you're doing to him." A girl said through the door.

"Wakanda. Haha!" The man said while laughing uncontrobally.

"Shut up." Wakanda said to him and with her powers she slammed the guy to the wall with his clothes burning.

She immediately go beside Tony.

"Are you okay, mr?" Wakanda asked him while unlocking him from the chains.

"Ofcourse. And who the hell are you?" He asked with such a deep voice.

"How can you be okay, sir? Your face is beaten up, your arm is sprained. Tell me is that a definition of okay?" Wakanda said rising her voice a little.

"Easy don't rile up too much. I'm Tony Stark." Tony said while offering his hands to her.

"Ofcourse I know you. But, since you don't know me, I'm Wakanda DiCarpio at your service sir!" Wakanda exclaimed saluting him while smiling.

"Why are you still smiling without knowing that ww can still go out here?" Tony asked her.

"Just to lighten up the mood, mr. Stark." Wakanda stated showing her beautiful smile to him.

Inside of Tony he's smiling too, but outside he rolled her eyes to her.

"Just follow my lead, okay?" Wakanda asked to him.

Tony nodded, following Wakanda carefully.

Wakanda saw that they are five enemies infront.

"There are five enemies infront, I'll gesture you if you can go out safely." Wakanda said while winking at Tony.

"Wait isn't that a dangerous idea?" Tony asked to him.

"Yeah, very dangerous mr." Wakanda said while smiling at him, reassuring that she'll be okay.

Wakanda started to fight off the five guys. But, she didn't know that it is a trap.

There's someone pointed a knife on Tony's throat.

"I really wouldn't kill them Wakanda." The man said while smirking.

"I really wouldn't do that, if you don't wanna die." Wakanda said whispering the last words.

Wakanda is now behind the man who is pointing a knife to Tony's throat. Wakanda use an ice style to create a sharp and pointest knife, and point iy to his throat.

In the end, the trap for Wakanda and Tony isn't their trap anymore. Because  in the end they are the ones who is being trapped.

The man started to walk away, but with his last foot steps he began to froze.

Wakanda is not taking chances to trust them anymore.

"Are you okay?" Wakanda asked Tony with a questioning look.

"Yeah, ofcourse. Ofcourse." He said while looking at her.

"You know, mr. Stark you shouldn't worry. I'll never let you die." Wakanda assure him while looking at his thoughts.

"I didn't said anything." Tony said acting innocent.

"I never said you said it. It's in your thouhts." Wakanda said while smirking a little.

Tony looked at her like she's a psychopath, but deep inside he's impress.

Atleast there is a stranger who helped him, unlike those who know him already who is a coward.

A stranger that will help him. But for Tony she's not a stranger anymore, she save his life anyways.

Tony Stark blinked a few times to get back to the real world.

He looks at everybody, it seems everybody is still remembering their past relationships with Wakanda.

Tony's head started to hurt, and it seems he's going to have a second round of remembering.

Stark Industries is having their press con which Tony is discussing about what happened.

"She could be right here, I know she's here. So, I'll give my thanks to you where ever you are here in this room."
Tony stated while smiling.

A gunshot came out of nowhere.

There is another one, but this one is pointed to Tony making Wakanda to go out from her hideout.

Wakanda stopped the time and burned the bullet.

Wakanda start the time again, earning a strange look from Stark.

"No worries, I can also stop time." Wakanda said hiding beside Tony.

"I just knew you are here. But what the hell is happening?!" He asked, loudly while Wakanda is burning all of yhe bullets that have been shot around.

"As you can see, my friend Tony. You are a very wealthy man, ofocurse many will like your money." Wakanda said, while a bottle of beer comes out from her hand, she drinks it.

"Really Beer?" Tony asked while getting it from her hand and take a chug on the beer.

"It helps me, Tony." Wakanda said, and she's gone for 30 seconds, back beside Tony with gun fires can't be heard anymore.

"What did you do?" Tony asked peeking small infront.

Its clear no more guns, no more bullets.

"I'll see you other time, Tony." She said winking at him, but be pulled her closely to him.

"Thank you, Wakanda." He said pecking her lips quickly.

"I'll take that as a thank you gift, Mr. Stark." Wakanda said pecking his cheeks before disappearing.

Stark looked around, its like the time is frozen, so that they can remember everything about Wakanda.

Dozen off memories came back to Stark's mind. Making him cry. Making him cry, why he didn't or can't remember any of this things when Wakanda is alive.

He holds Wakanda's hand, hoping for her to still come back and save him from falling deeper into the black pit.

Long, short. Stark will definitely lose his mind if Wakanda didn't wake up, making him fall into a black pit of nothingness.


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