'Not Dead'

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The boys still not getting up, mourning for Wakanda's death. An hour has passed, still the place is frozen they didn't knew why.

Natasha looked to her, when she looked at her lifeless body, she saw Wakanda's finger move. She blink to make sure she is not dreaming.

Wakanda's fingers are moving. Natasha gasped, making the boys slowly looked to Natasha.

"What is it, Nat?" Bruce asked, before landing his eyes to Wakanda's fingers that are actually moving.

"Wakanda's finger.. Its moving." She said in a low voice.

Everyone looked to her, Tony had realized that her fingers are really moving, he's still holding the hands of Wakanda.

"Taking chances, er?" Wakanda whispered, her eyes still shut.

"Wakanda?" Everyone said at the same time. They blink just to make sure they are not dreamin.

"You guys part of a choir or  something? And you guys are not dreaming, apparently." She said slowly opening her eyes.

When she fully opened her eyes, time started to tick.

She sitted up slowly, earning a happy sigh by mostly everyone.

Tony is the first who pulled her into a tight hug.

"Really taking chances?" She whispered to Tony, putting her arms around him too.

"Wakanda." He called her name, making sure this isn't a dream.

"I'm fine, Tony. I met Jesus tho." She said, earning a chuckle from the man.

The second one who pulled her into a hug is Steve. He dropped his shield and fully put hus arms around her.

"Don't even start it, Steve. I'm tired." She said, putting her arms around him too.

"I'm not." He said smiling widely.

"You were thinking it." Wakanda said, before pulling away from the hug.

As soon Steve finished hugging her, Clint crashed his arms around Wakanda tightly.

"Clint. Don't blame yourself." She whispered into his ears.

"How can I not?" He asked in a whisper mode, but still sadness surrounds his voice.

"It's not your fault." She said sending him a kiss to his cheeks.

Clint buried her face to the crook of Wakanda's neck, enjoying her presence. When Clint pulled away, its a surprise to everyone that Thor bucked down to hugged her.

"Thor." She said in a whisper.

"Angry woman." He said while tightening his arms around her.

"When will you stop calling me that?" She asked playfully slightly laughing.

"Never, Wakanda." He said, this is the first time he called her name.

Thor's about to stay like that for a minute, Bruce pulled her into his arms earning a chuckle by Thor himself.

"Wakanda are you a fool? Why didn't you said anything?!" Bruce asked in a whispered, shouted.

"Be nice to me, I just got back. Calm dow." She said while smiling at him.

"Alright, okay. I'm sorry. Let's go to beach some time." He said calming once Wakanda told him to calm down. Wakanda still can make him do what she wants.

Nat is the last one who pulled her into a hug.

"Never do that again." Nat said, earning a concerned look from Wakanda.

"What never do that again?" Wakanda asked still confused. The boys listening to their conversation.

"Acting dead." She said, while pulling away and looked at her.

"But I am dead, I just got back." Wakanda said.

"So you did die?" Tony asked, still nervous that this is a dream.

"Ofcourse, I wouldn't be gone like that if I am not dead, besides mr. Stark don't be nervous. I am alive, you see this." She said trying to stand, but failed and was about to fall down, but got catched by Tony.

"Failed." She said making everyone laugh.

"I can stand now, Tony." Wakanda said while standing up slowly, and luckily she can balance herself now.

"We did recognized that the time has stopped when you were dead." Steve said, Wakanda looked at him. Tan have stopped the time.

"Its Tan, the God of time. I met four Gods when I was dead." Wakanda explained.

"Is there really Gods?" Bruce asked curious.

"Ofcourse, Thor is the God of thunder tho. I met the God of memories, Chris. The God of life, Mark." Wakanda explained, introducing the Gods to the Avengers.

"So the God of memories? He's the one who make us can't remember you?" Tony asked, madness can see in his eyes.

"Uh, nope. Not quiet. Its all God of Death's work. Chris is the one who make you remember. They did killed their older brother, Death." Wakanda explained, earning a look from everyone.

"So, God of Death is their older brother? And he is dead now?" Tony asked, still madness can see in his eyes.

"Yeah, he's dead now. Killed by his younger brothers. God of Life is the second one, God of memories is the third one and the fourth one is God of time. The youngest one." Wakanda explained, and with that Tony let out a relief sigh.

"Then can we see, the three Gods to thank them?" Clint asked looking to Wakanda who is closing her eyes.

Soon there is a man standing beside her.

"Do you need anything else, princess?" The man said with a deep voice.

The Avengers glare at him, for calling her a princess.

"Meet the Avengers, Chris." Wakanda said sending a smile to Chris.

"Hello." Chris said waving his hand to the avengers.

"Where are Tan and Mark?" Wakanda asked Chris.

Before Chris could talk, Tan appeared behind him.

"Sorry I am late, princess. Older brother can't go here, he had an errands to do. So, he sent me here instead." Tan stated giving a soft smile to Wakanda.

Now the Avengers are glaring at them.

"Its alright then meet the Avengers, Tan." Wakanda said showing Tan the Avengers.

"The Avengers?! Woah! Its nice to see you guys! I'm a fan, so cool with that suit, mr. Stark. And that shield, mr. Rogers. The way you shoot your arrow, mr. Barton. You mr. Banner is so cool with that green guy, Hulk. Ms. Natasha the way you shoot your gun. Its so fuckin' cool. And Thor your hammer and the lightning thing so cool!" Tan, the God of time, fanboy for the Avengers.

The Avengers chuckle.

"I'm sorry for the curse, I didn't mean it beside princess Wakanda is my favorite among the Avengers." Tan said while looking to Wakanda who is coughing from laughing.

"Why you guys keep calling her princess?" Tony asked, more curious than confused.

"Oh, because she's a princess of magic. You all know that she was being experimented, but God of fate have planned all of it. She's the honory of the magic. The one who has it was killed by God of Death." Tan said, he soon realized he revealed a top secret.

"Tan." Chris hissed, staring at him with mixed emotions.

Wakanda looked at them, confused, shocked.

Wakanda looked to Chris who is already looking at her, Wakanda can see that Chris is relieve now. So this is what they are hiding.

Wakanda is the Princess of  Magic.


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