'Spend time with Agent Clint Barton'

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          ***Wakanda DiCarpio***

I finally wake up, I could here loud music beside my room.

I got up and comb my hair tying it to a bun.

I brush my teeth, wash my face before going out.

"Who the hell is producing loud sounds?" I asked, yawning while walking towards our meeting table.

"Holy crap." Dr. Banner and Tony said at the same time.

"What?" I asked yawning again for this time.

"You looked hot with that white t-shirt on without any pants." Tony said while eyeing me from head to toe.

"I don't care. I ask who the hell is producing the loud music?" I asked getting irritated now.

Agent Clint come out of nowhere while singing to the music.

He looks at me and smile.

"Agent Clint!" I shouted happily and wrapped my arms around him.

"Its been awhile." I said while still wrapping my arms around him tightly.

He wrapped his arms around me too.

"I am just gone for 3 days." He said while laughing slightly.

"But still I miss you." I said while I kissed his neck causing for him to shiver.

"You wanna hang out? With Callum and Lewis?" He whispered to my ear.

"Yeah, sure that would be nice. What about Laura?" I asked him.

"She have a meeting with her parents today. So she can't come with us." He explained while patting my hair.

"Oh, okay. I understand. I will just take a bath and then after that we can head out." I said while kissing his cheeks and pulled away from his arms.

I looked behind me and I could see jealousy in their eyes.

I smile at them before heading inside my room.

"Damn. I am so jealous of you. You hug a hot woman like her, with her just wearing white t-shirt without pants on." I heard Tony said, disappointment filled his voice.

Agent Clint just chuckled.

I immediately go inside my bathroom and take a quick bath.

I go out and wear a white t-shirt tucked in my pants. Its cold outside so I should wear my black jacket. I wear my black boots.

And I get my wallet and cellphone before heading out of ny room.

I saw agent Clint comes out of his room wearing a black jacket too and a white shirt with pants on.

I looked on his footwear and he is wearing the same boots as me.

"Are you kidding me?" I said bluntly.

"Huh?" He asked before looking at me.

"Did I tell you what will I wear?" I asked at him.

"No." He said simply.

I just nodded and still amazed because of that.

We go out and he let me come in first inside the jet.

"Is this authorized?" I asked, while looking outside.

"I don't need to make this authorize. I am an agent here." He said while started to drive the jet.

This freaking Avengers are really into something.

I sit on his lap while he is driving the jet. I know its risky, but I want to.

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