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           ***Wakanda DiCarpio***

"Oh my goodness." I heard Dr. Banner exclaimed.

"What is it?" Tony asked him.

I stand up slowly.

"Hey, can you stand up?" Phil asked me.

"Ofcourse babe." I said to him while smiling.

Steve holds my arm. Making me to look at him.

"Tell me the truth Wakanda. I know we met somewhere in the past." Steve said.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said while trying to get out of his grasp.

But, he didn't let me out.

Phil holds his arm eyeing him, telling him that I don't want to talk about it.

"So, it seems you already know it?" I asked Phil while going out with him.

"I checked your profiles, it seems normal at first. But when I checked it all of written there are not true. Your dad installed a fake corrupted file in our system, he must want to Sir Nick to know you that you are his daughter. Sir Nick seems busy all the time, so he didn't have time to check all of the corrupted files. He ordered me to do it and I have found out everything about you." He explained while staring at me.

"You saved Stark, Captain, all of us. You saved all of us." He added while taking out a box out of his coat.

He opened it and its a necklace.

"I bought this for your birthday, but it seems I cannot give you this on your birthday. So, I will give it to you now. I hope you like it." He stated while taking it out and he wear it to my neck.

"I love it. Thank you very much Phil." I said while giving him a kiss on the lips and pulled away.

He nodded while smiling at me.

We all gathered at the meeting place and I take my seat infront of Steve.

I sip on the coffee infront of me.

Tony walked past me, and I started to see his future. It seems there will be a big problem tomorrow.

I know my eyes are changing when seeing their future, 'cause I could feel it.

Steve seems to notice it and looked at me.

Before he could ask me just what happened, Tony started talking to Dr. Banner.

"Finally someone has speak english." Tony stated while shaking hands with Dr. Banner.

They started to talk and Sir Nick arrived.

"Dr. Banner is just here to track the cube." Sir Nick stated while looking at them.

I just sit there not saying a single word, just listening to them.

I stand up when Tony said that they will go to the lab.

"Can I go with you guys?" I asked while I go infront of them and headed for the lab without their permission.

I go inside with them following me. I saw the sphere and Dr. Banner gesture me not to hold it. So, I just follow Tony where ever he goes.

He get a pointed thing and pointed it on Dr. Banner's side.

"Hey!" Steve said loudly.

"Nothing?" Tony asked Dr. Banner.

"Are you nuts? Is everything a joke to you?" Steve asked Tony.

"Funny thinking." Tony stated which caused me to laugh silently.

"Threatening safety of everyone in the ship isn't funny." Steve stated.

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