'I'm Fine'

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            ***Wakanda DiCarpio***

"Agent Coulson." I called him using my phone.

"How did you know my number?!" He asked loudly.

"I'm a magician. I can get whatever I want agent. Now agent why does agent Natasha is taking too long to convince the big guy?" I said while waiting outside of the small house where agent Natasha and the big guy talking inside.

"You don't have patience at all ms. Wakanda." He said while laughing slightly.

"Oh come on, agent I am starving you called me in a middle of dinner.." I whine while sighing.

"I'm sorry. But its urgent." He said while I could hear the sillyness on his voice.

"I'm sure agent Natasha can handle him. Look they are having a great talk, she is pointing the gun to him." I said while peeking on the window.

"Can you please just wait? And after agent Natasha convince him go at the Stark tower you know that right?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure mr. Coulson." I said sarcasticly and stop the call and knock on the door.

Dr. Banner opened it.

"Oh, Hi! Dr. Bruce Banner nice to meet you!" I said while offering my hand to him.

He took it and smile at me.

"Who are you?!" Agent Natasha asked and point her gun to my head.

I immediately raise my hands up in the air.

"Take it easy agent Natasha Romanova." I stated while staring at her eyes.

"How did you know my name?!" She asked while shouting.

I slowly take out my phone and show her the file that agent Coulson sent me.

She slowly nodded.

"I'm sorry. I got carried away. You are?" She asked.

"Wakanda DiCarpio." I said while shaking hands with her.

"The color of your eyes are changing.." Dr. Banner stated while looking at it amazingly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. That's because I'm hungry. Agent Coulson interrupted me when I am in the middle of dinner." I stated while smiling.

They both nodded while chuckling.

"Since the both of you are okay. I'm off." I stated while waving at them before teleporting infront of the Stark building.

"Why do you need me here?" I asked agent Coulson who is infront of me.

"You startled me you fool." He said while holding his heart.

"I'm sorry." I apologize immediately while looking at him.

"Nah, it's okay. Stark didn't want to let me in." He said while looking at me.

"He must be on a date with her gal." I stated while touching the door and unlock it through electricity.

I let him in the elevator first.

I lean on the elevator feeling hungry. I need food. Food is life.

"You are really that hungry aren't you?" Agent Coulson said while looking directly into my eyes.

"Ofcourse.." I whispered while rolling my eyes before the door of elevator opened.

"Agent Coulson is this about the Avengers?"Ms. Pepper Potts asked him while giving him the glass white wine.

I just stay behind agent Coulson deciding not to engage with verbal words with them.

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