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            ***Wakanda DiCarpio***

Ugh.. My head hurts..

Where am I? Am I seeing things now?

Why does I am seeing Loki talking to someone? Someone? In outer space?


What the hell does Loki talking about?!

An army?! What army?!

I looked behind me and there's like a big centipede!

Goodness! Why am I here?!

I am here, but they don't know that I am here.

Who the hell is that guy?! Was he the leader of the army that Loki is talking about?

When that guy touched Loki's face. I wake up.

I opened my eyes to be found out that I am in Phil's arms still inside the jet.

He wakes up and looked at me.

"Wakanda. Are you okay now?" He asked while cupping my face.

I nodded while looking over to Captain Rogers who is looking at me.

"Yeah." I said while I kiss his cheeks and stand up now.

"What happened to me?" I asked them.

"You passed out." They both said at the same time.

"I wonder why.." I said while drinking water.

They looked at me confused.

We soon land at the S.H.I.E.L.D.

I go out first and saw agent Natasha.

"Nice to see you again mam." I said to her before walking towards to Dr. Banner.

I heard Phil introduce Steve to agent Natasha.

"Dr. Banner! How are you?" I asked while shaking hands with him again.

"I'm okay Wakanda. How about you? Your face looks pale and your eyes are still like that." He stated while examining it.

"Me? I'm fine don't worry about me." I said while laughing slightly.

He nodded and tapped my shoulders.

"Dr. Banner!" Steve exclaimed while shaking hands with him.

As they talked about the tesseract my heart started to hurt again causing me to hold my left chest again.

Gladly they didn't notice it.

"I will be going inside.." I stated while waving at them.

I walked inside and people started to greet me as I walk.

I saw Phil talking to the people working on computers.

I smile with the sight of him.

"Wakanda." Sir Nick called me.

"Yes sir?" I asked while walking towards him.

"Stark knows what have you done." He stated.

"How?" I asked.

"He is capable of many things, Wakanda." He explained.

I nodded while smiling at him.

"Sir Nick I will be right back." I stated while waving goodbye to him.

I walked towards Phil.

"Mr. Phil Coulson." I called him.

"What do you need Ms. Wakanda DiCarpio?" He asked while smiling.

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