Chapter 50: Therapy

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"Where were you? I waited for you at the cafeteria but you never came," Harry said as he approached me from across the hallway. He frowned when he saw my flushed face.

I hugged myself suddenly feeling extremely exposed for some reason and shook my head. "I followed Zayn out to the field," I whispered once we were closer.

His eyes widened in response as he crossed his arms and glared at me. "Why didn't you tell me? I could have spied on you both or something."

The thought of Harry seeing what had happened just a few moments ago was enough to make my toes curl. He would think I was a desperate pathetic loser if he knew how badly I wanted to kiss Zayn again right now. The mere thought of his lips on my skin was enough to intensify that ache I had between my legs.

I clenched my thighs together as my cheeks turned a brighter shade of red. I needed to think of something else or Harry would get suspicious. Crap, I was so bad at this. 

I tapped my foot on the floor and tried to imagine some disgusting cafeteria food or something. I remembered the moldy mashed potatoes Melanie once got and immediately felt better. Okay, now I could think a bit clearer.

"Are you alright? You're acting weird, I mean that's pretty normal for you but this is weirder," Harry eyed me curiously.

"I'm fine. Don't you have class right now," I fiddled with the hem of my shirt in an attempt to avoid his penetrating stare.

"So do you," He chuckled. "I'll walk you there since it's on the way. So tell me what did he do? Did he bite you again?" 

From the corner of my eye I could see Harry inspecting every inch of me for bite marks. "No, he didn't.

But he did other things

Moldy potatoes. Moldy potatoes. Moldy potatoes.

"So what happened? Did you manage to confront him?"

"Yes, I asked him about the murders. About whether he was behind them. He said no," I stated mechanically.

"Of course he said no. Rosalie, why would you ask such a question? No criminal ever admits to their crimes especially when you ask them politely," Harry huffed in disappointment.

"I just needed to know. I asked him if he was going to kill me," My voice fell slightly.


"He didn't give me a clear answer."

"Of course he didn't."

"And he knows all about your map and our time together last night," I finally looked up to see Harry's reaction.

Harry sighed loudly as he ran a hand through his thick brown hair, bringing it over to one side. He rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes. "Crap, that's going to make it harder to catch him, if he's real."

I ignored his last few words and nodded my head in agreement. "We need to see Kareena fast. Before he gets to her."

Harry seemed deep in thought as he stared at me. We had stopped outside my class and I could see that same gothic girl staring at us with a 'not so happy' look on her face. For a second I wanted to hug Harry just to piss her off but I was more afraid of his reaction so I refrained from doing so.

"Yeah, we could go tomorrow after school since you have therapy today."

"Sounds good. I'll clear my schedule," I joked and I was surprised to see his dimples pop out on his cheeks. 

"Okay, you do that," He grinned and then he squeezed my arm before walking away.

I stood in place, slightly stunned by the unexpected gesture and when I saw the teacher coming, I quickly rushed to my seat. Sadly it was the one near that same girl.

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