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Aaaaah! It's the last chapter! I don't know what I'm going to do after this! Could I possibly write 100 one-shots based on your prompts? I think I could! There you go then: anyone who wants to read some more Taz and Up writing, comment or message me your word or phrase- which can be ANYTHING, not just emotions- and I will try to write a bit relating Taz and Up to it. They may or may not be related to this particular story, and I will be taking prompts from people I know and I'll be adding my own in.

I've been waffling on for long enough now, so here is the extremely long finale to what has been a joy to write. I hope it is satisfactory, and- ANYONE WHO GETS THE HARRY POTTER REFERENCES WINS A VIRTUAL HUG! And, as always...

Thank you so much for reading





Taz felt ridiculous. Yet again, she reminded herself that she’d fought off thousands upon thousands of robots and aliens, and all manner of dark creatures in her time. She was the toughest, meanest, hardest-hitting woman in the whole of the GLEE, but now... Now she couldn’t even walk through a door. She kicked the floor, hoping to make a satisfying heavy thud, but the result was far less sonorous than she’d expected. Remembering that she couldn’t really be as harsh as she was usually tonight, she cursed again and let out a heavy breath of air as she reached her hand out to push open the doors into the main hall.


Up left his position at the bar and started running in astonishment at the figure he’d spotted. He had to shout her name to get her attention, as she was walking off at quite a fast pace and was soon going to be swallowed up by the crowd of people on the dance floor.

“Commander Parkinson!” He just caught her before she disappeared from sight. The commander, whose short blonde hair stuck up at all angles, turned and smiled broadly at Up, before her expression turned to one of concern at the sight of his.

“Up! Are you alright?” She asked as they walked over to the side of the dance floor where it was quieter. He shook his head quickly and gave a stern glance around them to look out for anyone to whom their conversation was more than two commanders talking about business.

“No. No I’m not actually. But first of all how are you here? I thought all the influential commanders had been- uh, I mean, I thought there was an attack on your ship!” Commander Parkinson closed her eyes briefly before answering, probably in memory of the event.

“Yes there was Up, yes there was. We still have no idea who or what attacked us and why they did- all we saw were red lasers- but all we do know is that it was nasty, very nasty. All that was left of the crew was me and Lieutenant Walker, and,” she swallowed hard as to fight back revulsion, “a few pieces of raw flesh.” Up grimaced: he’d heard about how their ship was hijacked whilst returning to base, but he never thought anyone had survived. Especially when he knew that Space-Claw had made it his duty to assassinate all the commanders in the league that posed a threat to him, and boy, was Parkinson a threat to any wrongdoing. There was a moment of silence between the pair before Commander Parkinson looked up from the spot on the ground she’d been staring at. She wasn’t one to let the conversation go dry.

“Anyway, what’s happened to you? You looked so worried when you came to talk to me!” She asked.

“I need to give you information- important information. I needed to talk to someone else with authority because I couldn’t talk to the head of the league.” He took a deep breath to calm his heart rate which he could feel was speeding up, “I need you to believe me, and I need you to do what I tell you, but most importantly, I need your help.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2012 ⏰

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