So does a boy like you

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{Warning: this chapter contains self harm}

Joaquin POV

I cry into Cheryl's shoulder. When Kev saw my tattoo, he ran out of the school and never came back. Its been two days. I've messed up bad.
She hugs me, saying he just did it in the moment but I don't believe her.
Cheryl's phone rang, the caller ID was 'Kev🌈'.

"I'll leave you to answer it" I start to walk away from her but she pulls me back and shoves the phone into my hand.
I put it to my ear and hear Kevin crying. I worry about him:
J: oh my god! Kev, are you okay? What's happened?

K: I'm so so sorry Joaquin, I shouldn't have run out...

We both go silent, hearing each other cry.

K: I was just scared...

All I want to do is hug him and tell him it's okay. That I would be scared too. I hang up and hand Cheryl her phone. I then run.
I run to Kevin.
I call Cheryl, repeating that I want his address which she happily gives me.

I'm happy to see Kevin's car being the only one in the drive. I knock his door with force, calling his name out when he doesn't answer for a while.
Still no answer. I get even more scared.
I look under his flower pots until I find a key. I unlock the door and run to the sounds of sobbing.
I find him in the bathroom, thighs covered in blood, razor blade in hand.

I kneel down and grab some bandages from my bag. I try to wrap them around his cuts but he pulls away from me.
"Kev, please..." I look into his teary eyes and he calms down a bit and I clear up his wounds and cover them.
"Why did you do this?" I ask him as I pull him into a hug.
"I thought you hated me. You are already one of my best friends" he says into my shoulder "I've cried everyday since I ran and only just picked up the courage to call Cheryl, when you hung up...I lost it..."

I hold him until he pulls away from me and slips my jacket off me. He holds one of my wrist in his hands and looks at my old scars.
"Why did you do this?" He asks.
"I was bullied for being gay, it nearly ended differently" I sigh and he looks at me, hugging me again.
"Well, I'm glad it didn't" he smiles slightly and rests his head on my shoulder.
I look down at the bandages
"A boy like you doesn't deserve anything like this. You deserve happiness," he smiles wider and kisses my cheek

"So does a boy like you"

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