nothing but stillness

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Kevin POV

The next day I wake up and feel better, more relaxed. I go downstairs, make myself some toast and sit in front of the TV and that's when my good mood shatters. There on the news I see that a suspected attempted suicide had happened the previous night in Riverdale high. The body was found in a bloody pool with cuts all over it's arms and legs. They announced that the student was still unconscious and in a critical condition. They couldn't say the name of the student but they showed a small blurred clip on the body in the ambulance. Then I see it, the body's hair. Medium length, black and with a flick at the end. It was Joaquin. I scream and drop my plate of toast. Cheryl and Toni run into the room and a try to reach out to the TV, try to hold Joaquin's hand. Cheryl looks at the TV then back at me,
"Hey, hey. It could've been anyone Kev-" I then cut her off by yelling
"They showed a clip with the face blurred it but I saw the hair, it was his hair." I cry into Cheryl's chest and she rocks me while Toni gets my water and calls FP. She starts to cry too and hangs up the call,
"It is him." Then, without a word, I push past them and run to my room to change. I then run back down, yelling at them to get in the car and drive me to the hospital which they did.

When we get in, I see FP, Fangs, Jughead and Sweetpea in the waiting room, all crying. We all hug eachother, our whole group crying. After a while, someone walks out of Joaquin's room.
"Only blood relatives and partner can see him now." I know I'm not dating him anymore but I had to see him so I told him I was Joaquin's boyfriend and was allowed in. He's laying in his bed, attached to numerous things and still unconscious. I smiles sadly at him,
"Hey baby, I love you. I hope you know that. You are so so special." I hold both of his hands tightly,
"You better know that, you better know that you are the light of my life and that I'd probably be dead without you. I've said this before and I'll say it again, I need you. And about that stupid letter, don't even think that you don't deserve me and that you aren't my soulmate because you do deserve me, you deserve the world and more and you are so my soulmate. I want a future with you baby, I want kids with you, I want a house, I want pets, I went my life to be yours. I want to marry you Joaquin. I love you so God damn much and I need you to say alive, please. Please do or say something"

Nothing but stillness

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