Kevin won't care

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Joaquin POV
It's been a month since I got out hospital and things have been going great for me. Being Kevin's boyfriend is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I feel comfortable around him. I feel comfortable to wear my glasses, to wear my hair in a bun, not wear typical serpent clothes and not be the tough serpent I have to be.

Right now his dad's at work and we're at his house. We're cuddled up on his dad's armchair and I'm on his lap. I'm wearing my glasses, my bun, Kevin's white sweatshirt (which I love as it's soft and big on me) and my skinny black, ripped jeans.

I can't stop smiling at the fact Kevin's arms are wrapped around my waist and that he keeps stealing small kisses from me occasionally. I can't stop thinking about how amazing he looks in my serpent jacket. I can't stop staring at his godly face and I can't stop blushing and smiling shyly every time he catches me. I'm so head over heels for the boy that I call my boyfriend.

Soon, he ends up staring back at me and we seem to get lost in each others eyes. We slowly lean in and connect out lips. The kiss is soft and sweet. I hold both of his hands and after a while, we slowly pull apart. I smile at him and rest my head on his shoulder.
"You're so adorable baby," he says as he places a kiss on my forehead. I wrap me arms around his chest and place a few kisses to his neck. He rubs my side softly and pulls me closer.

After a few hours, we've moved to lay on the couch in each others arms. He looks down at me and sighs softly,
"As much as I don't want to say this, you should probably get going. My dad will be home soon." He kisses my head and sits up, pulling me with him. He walks me to the door and pulls me into a final kiss, it's loving and amazing. He then pulls away and I kiss the tip of his nose before leaving, smiling widely the whole way home.

When I get to my trailer I open the door to see my parents and three other people sitting on the couch. My mum turned to face me,
"Hello Joaquin." I couldn't help it and yelled in return,
"What the hell are you doing here and who the hell are these people?" My dad then stood up, he towered over me and made me feel even smaller,
"Don't talk to your mother that way boy. We're here because we lost our house and we thought living with you would be nice but turns out it won't be," he holds my pride flag in my face, "we found this in your room. We though you'd have changed but turns out you're still a fag so, we're sending you to the Sisters of quiet mercy. We hope they help you get out of this and we can be a big family again."

Two of the three people stand up and walk to me, grabbing me with force. The lady then stands up and smiles to my mum,
"You won't regret it, we promise to change him."
"Thank you Sister Woodhouse," me parents reply in unison. The two men holding me then start pulling me away.
"Let me go," I yell "I need to tell Kevin. I need to get to Kevin." I then get thrown into a van and here it lock. I start to punch the walls of the truck screaming for someone to help me. But no one does.

Within an hour, I'm sitting a concrete room with barred windows and a small, uncomfortable bed. I was made to give up my clothes and phone. I was given a thin blue uniform and a itchy burgundy knitted cardigan. I'm crying and shaking and can't stop thinking that Kevin won't care...

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