of course

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Kevin POV
I wake up at 3 am due to the bed moving. I look next to me and see Joaquin, still awake, sitting and crying silently. I frown softly and sit up, pulling him closer so that his head is resting on my shoulder.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I hold him close to me, rubbing his back. He looks at me as if he didn't know that I was there. He quickly starts to wipe the tears from his eyes and cheeks. I catch his hands quickly and speak softly, "hey hey hey, it's okay to cry."

After a few minutes of me gently rocking him, he calms down and his tears dry.
"What happened? Have you had any sleep?" He shakes his head in response,
"Every time I close my eyes I see him, I see Moose."
"He not going to hurt you, ever again, I'll make sure of that." And I will. I love the boy in my arms and never want him to get hurt again.

He smiles weakly at me and kisses my cheek softly,
"I don't deserve you, you're so perfect" he mumbles. I frowns softly to myself and plays with the ends of his hair,
"You deserve way more than me, you deserve the world baby." He smiles more, blushes softly and cuddles into me,
"Whatever Keller."

After a while I hear soft snoring and turn to see Joaquin sleeping in my arms. I slowly lay us down and soon fall asleep too.

Joaquin POV
I wake up for a second time at 9 am and cuddle closer to the still sleeping Kevin. I listen to his heartbeat and smile softly as it just makes me happy. He makes me happy. I feel someone kiss my head and look up to see Kevin smiling sleepily at me.
"Morning cutie," he says as he leans down to peck my lips. I can feel my cheeks turn hot and my lips form a big smile at the nickname.
"Good morning," I reply and kiss the tip of his nose.

We hear movement in the bed next to us and see Toni basically on top of Cheryl, both of them sleeping. Kevin and I both chuckle softly.
"Do you want me to get some Pop's?" Kevin asks me,
"Would you mind?" I said as I grabbed my wallet from my jeans that are at the end of the bed.
"I wouldn't mind one bit and there is no way you're paying baby," he pecks my lips and puts my wallet down of the nightstand. He then puts his jacket on as he slept in his clothes and pecks my lips once more before leaving. I sigh happily and think about him the whole time he's gone.

Kevin POV
I get to Pop's in 10 minutes and as soon as I walk in, I see Moose. He is sitting, laughing and eating a burger as if he deserves to, as if he didn't just hurt the person I love the more that anyone or anything. I can't help myself and storm up to him and the vixen he's sitting with.

"How dare you," I half yell while slamming my hands down on the table, "how dare you just act like you didn't hurt an innocent, sweet, adorable boy." He looks at me as if he's about to laugh as if I just made an hilarious joke,
"Are you serious Keller? He's a fag. He deserved it. Actually, he deserves a lot worse."

Without thinking, I lift my hand which is now clenched into a fist and punch his jaw. I then pull him onto the floor and continue punching him in the face until my hand is covered in scarlet. I then run. I run all the way back to the hospital and into Joaquin's room. I see that Toni and Cheryl have left already and Joaquin sitting up on his bed.

Joaquin turns to and immediately looks worried,
"K-Kev, are you okay? What happened?" He reaches his arms out and I run into them. I hug him tightly and he starts to play with my hair softly. We stay in silence for a while until I mumble softly against his chest,
"I beat up Moose, I couldn't stop myself. I'm so sorry but I just lost it." He kisses my nose softly and says gently,
"It's not me you should say sorry too. I'm not forgiving him for what he did but I think you should apologize. If you're nice to him, he may eventually be nice back."

He pecks my lips and stares at me. I nod and kiss his forehead. Before I can stop myself I ask,
"Will you be my boyfriend Quin?" He smiles widely and tackles me with a hug,
"Of course"

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