We're going to be together again

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Kevin POV
Joaquin hasn't been to school in two days, hasn't answered any texts or phone calls or Instagram DMs, FP hasn't seen him leave his trailer and hasn't gotten an answer when he knocks on the door of it and I'm scared. Really scared.

I'm paceing the length of the student lounge when Cheryl walks in with a piece of paper clutched in her hand. She slams it on to the coffee table,
"This is everywhere we haven't looked for him." Immediately I ran to the table and grabbed the list: The Ghoulie hang out, in Sweetwater River, Fox Forest, Motels, most of the school and TSOQM. I scoff at the last one,
"You can't be serious Cher. He can't be in the sisters, there's no one to send him there."
"There's no harm in looking Kev, we have to do whatever we can to find him and I'm not taking no as an answer." She takes Toni's hand and turns to leave with her.

I hold the list in my hands and sigh. He can't be at the sisters, he just can't be...

Joaquin POV
Right now I'm sitting in the cafeteria with my new friends Antonio and Jenny , pretending to eat the shitty food. Jenny is telling us about her girlfriend and I swear Ant is staring at me. Jenny and him have been friends for over two years and she's convinced he has a crush on me.

"So Jo, have you got anyone special?" Jenny asks me with a grin. I smile softly at her,
"Yeah, I do. His name's Kevin, he's handsome, sweet, godly and he's amazing to cuddle with." I smile more at the thought of him and end up blushing. Jenny's grin grows,
"You must really love him, I'm happy for you." Ant is no longer looking at us and is instead playing with his salty mashed potatoes.

Later that night, we're walking to our rooms that are pretty close together. Jenny waves us goodbye and disappears into her room, leaving me and Ant alone. When we get to our rooms, he turns to me a smiles.
"You know that secret hole that connects our rooms?" He asks with a smirk. I nod, "Then maybe, I could go into your room tonight and hook up." His smirk grows and he moves close to me, pressing our chests together lightly. He leans closer to me and closes his eyes. His lips are close to mine when I push him off.
"What the hell are you doing? I'm not hooking up with you Antonio," I storm into my room and slam my door shut. I fall on to my bed with a loud sigh.

Kevin POV
The only place we haven't looked is the sisters. It's pointless. He's not going to be there.

We go through 'the gay makeout tunnel' and into the hall. We see some spare uniforms and Toni, Cheryl and I put them on and hide our guns. Everyone else waits by the exit, also with guns. We find the main office and Toni successfully picks the lock. We see a big book of patients on the desk and open it to 'D':
Darvis, no.
Davis, no.
There's a few more names before we find it. Before we find 'Desantos'. He's here. Room 113. We're going to get him back. . We're going to be together again.

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