Chapter 사: ʏᴏᴏɴɢɪ

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Suga's P.O.V.

"Today's the day" I said to myself walking into my studio on the 4th floor of the famously huge BigHit building. I walked into my studio and flung my bag into the corner of the room sitting down on my comfortable chair. I heard my manager and some people in design crew spent all night putting together the clips for my new MV and I couldn't wait to look at the results before releasing it for my fans. I am actually a pretty famous rapper that goes by the name Augst D if you didn't already know.

 I am actually a pretty famous rapper that goes by the name Augst D if you didn't already know

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Anyways.... I clicked on the video watching it for the first time and DAMN it was good. After watching it I immediately thought of Jhope and thought to ask if he would like to check it out since he's actually a rapper in his free time and so was our good friend RM.

Jhope's P.O.V

*Time Skip*

After arriving at the BigHit building once again I walked in with my arm around Jimins waist as I lead him up to the 4th floor where Suga's studio was located.

"Babe we're here" I said stoping infront of the door at the end of the hallway and then opening if for Jimin. We then walked in and went over to Yoongi who hadn't realized we came in since he had headphones on and was blasting music. I smiled at his silliness and crept over to him.

"BOOOO!" I shouted while grabbing hold of his shoulders which cause him to jump out of his seat, turning to face me and Jimin who was behind me laughing extremely hard.

"Fuck dude don't do that, I thought I was going to have a fucking heart attack!" Yoongi yelled holding onto his chest and breathing heavily.

"Haha sorry bro" I said and Suga finally went back to breathing normally again and sat down in his chair waving for me and Jimin to walk over so he could show us his new MV for his song.

Jimin's P.O.V.

After Jhope when and scared the living shit out of his friend Yoongi who he also liked to call Suga, I was able to get a good look at the guy and I swear his face and voice seem a bit too familiar to someone I met before... even tho I remember seeing Yoongi before a year or two ago when he was staying at Jhope's place but he had red hair then. Suddenly he sat down and waved me and Jhope over to him so he could show us his MV for a song he developed that Jhope talked about. We both walked over and then Suga clicked on a file he had saved to his desktop and the video played....

"Yahhh that's so good!" I said when the video had ended.

"Yeah dude, that's fricken SICK!" Jhope screamed after my comment and Yoongi thanked us with a smirk, then put on his usual cold face now that he had got all the excitement out. Why does that face seem so familiar? I thought and that's when it hit me, just by looking at his face at that very moment I remember something I didn't exactly want to remember...


After having one last shot at the bar I decided it was finally time that I head back so I turned to get up from my seat, only to bump into someone standing behind me.

"Ah, s-sorry" I said already drunk as hell. I then looked up at the guy and with one glance at my red face he dragged me into the back room where drunk people go.... usually to make out.

"Yahh... l-let me go b-bastard!" I said still not knowing who had just dragged me into the room. He quickly grabbed me by the waist and slammed me against a wall once entering the room and I just now got a good look at his
hot face.

"U-um... w-what a-are you going t-to do to me?" I asked innocently but drunk at the same time, getting myself caught in his lustful eyes. The guy didn't answer me and instead slammed his lips against mine as I detected a hint of alcohol on his breath. Me being drunk to the point of exhaustion, couldn't help but submit myself to the man and my plump lips kissed him back while he began to lift up my shirt pulling it off, then going for my pants.....

*End Flashback*

I quickly ended the Flashback of that night at the bar, not wanted to remember the pleasure he gave me and without knowing my cheeks turned a bright red and I quickly tried to hide them so Jhope wouldn't notice. Right as I was doing that Yoongi decided to looked over at me and saw my flushed cheeks causing him to widen his eyes a bit then smirk at me... Damn that bastard had to have just realized who I was and was planning something sinister, I just knew it.

Suga's P.O.V

When I was talking to Jhope about mabey doing a song or two together and possibly getting Namjoon in on it, I caught a glimpse of Jhope's boyfriend, Jimin in the corner of my eye. He had bright red cheeks and was trying so desperately to hide it only for me to end up seeing it. And like a flash of lightning the guy from the bar that one night flashed into my head only.... Jimin was that guy. How the hell?! I thought as my eyes widened the tiniest bit and then I smirked over at him remembering again that he was Jhope's boyfriend. How did I not recognize him?! I thought. Oh well... just wait till Jhope finds out, I wonder what he'll d-

"Yoongi, are you listening?" Jhope interrupted me from my thoughts and I stuttered a bit when trying to answer.

"Y-yes I am" I quickly said and he chuckled at the fact that I stuttered, Fuck!!!

"Hey, Fuck you!" I immediately said and he just bursted out laughing.

"Haha oh my god Yoongi!...." he laughed and then he finally calmed down after a few minutes.

"....Well I guess me and Jimin should go, he has a photo shoot and I have a dance lesson to teach in an hour" Jhope said walking over to Jimin and grabbing his waist casually which made him blush and I waved to them.

"Bye, have fun I guess" I said as they walked out of the door and I listened as their footsteps disappeared down the hallway. Oh Jhope I wonder what you will do if you find out? I questioned wonder what my best friend would do if he found out I fucked his boyfriend in the past because I was half drunk and he was completely drunk.... oh well..... whatever happens, happens I guess. And then I grabbed my shit and headed back to my place to take a long good nap after I clicked upload on my MV, can't wait to hear what people think of it.

It's a bit of a shorter chapter than the others but Namjin's chapter is next up on the list before the story's can officially begin getting to the good shit.... VKOOK SMUT!!! 😭

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