Chapter 십육: ʙᴏʏғʀɪᴇɴᴅ

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Namjoons P.O.V.

"Uhggg, why do we have to goooo?" I whined.

"Because your my boyfriend and they're our friends now stop you complaining" Jin fired back and I let out a lazy sigh. You better be glad I'm your boyfriend, I thought and flopped onto the bed as I watched Jin pick out a shirt.

"Damn you look fine" I said from the bed in which I was laying on with my hands resting behind my head. Suddenly I had an idea and a smirk appeared on my face as I got up from the bed. I walked behind my boyfriend who still had his shirt off as he searched for a new one, and slowly slid my arms around his waist. I then slowly started kissing down his back and moved my hands up his chest so I could feel his body all over.

"Y-yahhh" Jin said but I didn't stop.

"J-Joon, mmm... we have to go" He stuttered out but then suddenly let out a muffled moan when I started sucking on his neck. I then slipped my hand into his pants which quickly made Jin grow weak.

"Ahh~ Joon n-no" he pleaded only for me to slip my hands into his boxers and start palming his member.

"Mmm, ah! w-we have to g-go Joon" Jin said again and placed his hands on mine. Then with all his remaining strength, he pulled my hands away from him and I frown.

"Uhg, your no fun" i said as I looked at my panting boyfriend. He then quickly grabbed a shirt and put it on.

"Come on let's go Joon" Jin said and grabbed my hand, forcing me to follow him. Don't worry I'll get what I want just you wait, I thought as a smirk grew on my face.

Jin your In for the time of your life.....

Taehyungs P.O.V.
        I was waiting at the restaurant with Jungkook after a wild night. It would be a lie to say I wasn't a little sore but I try hard to hide it.

"When are they coming?" I asked as I sat across from Jungkook in a booth we randomly chose.

"I just texted Jin but he said he might have some trouble getting Namjoon out of bed. As for Jimin, he should be over in 20 or so minutes" Jungkook said and I nodded with a smile. It went quite for a moment but then I decided to bring up something I was a bit curious of.

"So...." was all I managed to get out, not sure of how I should word my question. After speaking up, Jungkook looked over at me.

"Yes?" He asked which signaled me to continue

"Um.... so about us...." I said but didn't exactly state my question. I was too embarrassed to actually say it.

"What about us?" Jungkook asked softly, trying to nudge me on so I built up some courage to just spit it out. Here it goes...

"Are.... we dating.. now?" I finally managed to ask and I felt my cheeks heat up as blood rushed to them. Jungkook looked at me with a smirk as he straightened out his figure only to lean over the table just enough that he could grab my chin with his thumb and index finger, bringing our faces close together.

"Yes, you are my boyfriend now" he said in a seductive voice as he let his smirk turn into more of a smile. I couldn't help but smile myself at his words and gave him a quick peck on the lips before leaning back into the seat. Jungkook smiles at me and leaned back into his seat as well. Once again it went silent but it was the most comfortable silence I've ever felt.

(5 minuets later)

A few minutes pasted as Jungkook and I were sitting and waiting when Jungkook finally spoke up.

"Hey, they're here" he said and we both got up to go and get Jin and Namjoon who were positioned outside of the restaurant we were waiting in.

Jin's P.O.V.

"Finally we're here" I heard My boyfriend whine as we stoped in front of the Restaurant Jungkook told me to meet him at.

"Stop your complaining, we didn't even have to walk that far to get here" I said to him but he only let out another whine before he rapped his arms around my waist from behind me and rested his chin on my shoulders.

"Joon come on" I said trying to pry his arms from me but before I could he game me a surprise kiss on the cheek and released me right as the door to the restaurant opened revealing Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Yo" Namjoon said as he walked in front of me with a hand up as a lazy wave to them. He then went up and gave Taehyung and gave him a firm hug as Jungkook walked to me.

"Hey Jin" Jungkook said and we did our little handshake... well, it was more of actually hitting each other but whatever.

"You guys are weird" I heard Namjoon say from where he stood with Taehyung while we did our thing. Well I'm your weirdo, I thought as I just chuckled at my boyfriends comment. After that we walked into the restaurant. We then went to sit down at the booth they picked out and Jungkook and Taehyung sat on the left side while Joon and I sat on the right. The two of them looked really close which made me wonder if the two had already hooked up and I smiled but my thought quickly got interrupted.

"Jimin over here" Jungkook said as he waved over towards the door of the restaurant where Jimin and two others walked in.

"Jhope, Suga, what's up" Namjoon said when the other two boys walked over to the table and they did a little fist bump thing before sitting down.

*Seating Arrangement*

Taehyung |—————————-| Jin
|      |
Jungkook |      | Namjoon
|      |
Jimin      | |
| | Yoongi
Jhope      |—————————-|


Finally with everyone together and seated, we got the waitresses attention and ordered some Kimchi and other delicious food that would fill us all up. Of course I ordered for all them since I'm their "eomma" but I was also the oldest so it made sense. Once we had ordered, the waitress went back to get the food started. I looked at everyone who was talking to one another and smiled till I finally caught Jungkooks eye. He looked at me and I nodded giving him the signal that it was time.

"Everyone" Jungkook said and got everyone's attention so they were looking at him. He then took a deep breath before he spoke again.

"We need to talk" was all he had to say for everyone to become serious.

I don't really know where I'm going with this and sorry this chapter took forever to get out but I've had so much stuff for school to do and my birthday came up so it took up a lot of time

....ok that's all, I'll be back with another chapter soon and thanks for 10k reads, you guys are the best ☺️

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