Chapter 십구: ғᴀᴋᴇ ʟᴏᴠᴇ

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Namjoons P.O.V.

Ah yes, sleep, my favorite thing. Being all snug and warm in bed as I hug my boyfriend tightly in my arms while he sleeps peacefully. Being able to feel the heat of the sun when it slowly rises and shines through the window, signaling that it's morning. And peacefully being able to wake up feeling recharged and ready to start your day.....


That isn't how I'm starting the day today.....



"Uhhgg" I groan as I stir in the bed.


There the sound goes again and I stir some more as I roll over to face the other side of the bed. And just when I thought the noise had stoped....


And with that I end up rolling myself off the bed and hitting the ground with a loud thud.

Jin's P.O.V.

I was in the kitchen making breakfast for Jooonie since I got up earlier than I expected. I decided to make some simple grilled cheese but as I was getting the bread and cheese out I suddenly heard a loud thud come for the direction of Namjoon and I's shared room.

"What was that?" I asked my self in a whisper and stoped what I was doing to see what made the noise. As I was walking into the bedroom I see a lump of sheets on the floor and upon further inspections, I found that it was namjoon on the floor asleep.

"What am I going to do with this man?" I once again questioned myself in a whisper as I looked at my boyfriend. Then with a loud sign, i walked over to the lump that i call my boyfriend and shake him awake.

"Wha-whats going on!" he quickly shouted when i shook him awake. I couldn't help but laugh and be disappointed in him at the same time.

"Joon, you fell off the bed and went right back to sleep now get you ass up Im making breakfast" i said and he groaned as he forced himself to get up.

"How did you even fall of the bed in the first place, you usually sleep towards the middle of the bed?" i then asked recalling past events and he looked at me with a half confused half tired look.

"Oh yeah, my phone kept going off" he said so i walked over to his phone where he had several text messages from Jungkook.

"Looks like JK was trying to get a hold of you" i said and opened up his phone to see what my child wanted with my boyfriend so early in the morning... well according to Joon that is. After reading the messages my boyfriend asked what he wanted but i just responded with-

"Get dressed, we are going to the coffee shop"

Jungkooks P.O.V.

"So did you get ahold of them?" Jimin asked and to be honest i was confused myself.

"I think so" i responded in a confused tone but then after a second glance at the text messages i sent, it said that they were read so i just assumed that was a yes since Jin probably saw them and got his boyfriends ass out of bed.

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