Chapter 구: ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴ

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Taehyung's P.O.V.
I still hadn't believed that I was picked to be in BTS and was currently laying in my bed as I stared at the ceiling. Why did they pick me, I'm just a stylist? I question until I hear my mother call my name from her room.

"Coming" I yelled in response and threw the covers off me. When I walked in I helped my mother into the living room and went to start making breakfast for us. I put on an apron and started preparing everything to to make pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Then right as I was getting out the eggs I heard a knock on the door so I went to answer it and standing on the other side was Jungkook.

 Then right as I was getting out the eggs I heard a knock on the door so I went to answer it and standing on the other side was Jungkook

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"Oh, J-Jungkook..." I said not expecting him to  show up at my house so early in the morning. Then I suddenly notice him looking me up and down.

"Damn you look good with an apron on" Jungkook said with a smirk which make my cheeks turn a light shade of red.

"C-come in, I guess..." I said quickly trying to forget his words and opened the door wide for him to come in.

"Where's your mom?" He asked and I pointed to the living room where she passed out again and he nodded following me into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen I went back to making breakfast and Jungkook sat down on a chair behind me.

"So what brings you here?" I asked tryin to start up a conversation. It was silent for a few seconds when I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"I just wanted to see you" Jungkook said seductively and my cheeks instantly turned bright red. Trying to ignore him I went back to cooking but he didn't let go and before I knew it, I felt a soft pair of lips against my neck as they kissed all the way down to my shoulders.

"" I whisper feeling my body weaken and I put my head back giving more axes to Jungkook. He then started sucking at my neck causing a quiet moan to escape my lips... especially when Jungkooks hand brushed over my clothes member.

"J-Jungkook-Ah, no~" I moaned out trying to get him to stop since my mother could wake up at any moment but he didn't and kept palming me.

"J-Jungkook..." I attempted one last time but was instantly interrupted by a growning sound coming from the other room followed by a faint voice.


"Yes" I quickly responded and Jungkook stoped palming me while leaving his lips attached to my neck.

"Is breakfast ready?" She asked and I responded back with a no only to feel Jungkook smirk against my skin and then release me from his hold so he could go sit back down. That was close....

*Mini Time Skip*

After a few minutes of me getting back to making breakfast, Jungkook decided to speek up again.

"So, I talked to my friend about getting your mother into the place I told you about...." he went on.

"And...?" I questioned him, eager to hear his answer.

"And he said yes" Jungkook said and I turned around with a smile.


"Really" Jungkook said and I started squeeling. I then heard Jungkook laughing at my reaction but I didn't care, I was just happy that my mother would have a safe place to be when I wasn't around. I then quickly finished making breakfast and called out to my mom.

"Foods ready!" I said and walked into the room my mother was in with Jungkook following behind. Her eyes widened as soon as she saw Jungkook and a warm smile grew on her face.

"Oh hello.. Jungkook, wasn't it?" She greeted him and Jungkook did the same.

"Yes, nice to meet you again" he said showing his bunny smile that was so cute. Anyways, I should tell her what Jungkook did for us I thought.

"Oh Mom, Jungkook got you a place to stay where you'll be looked after since I'm not always around" I said excitedly and a smile appeared on her face.

"Really... And Jungkook did that for us?" She questioned still with a smile.

"Yes!" I said and she smiled even brighter while thanking Jungkook.

"It's no problem Mrs Kim, I'm just here to help" Jungkook said and my mom gave him a big hug thanking him once again for all he has done. I smiled as I sat back and watched the two of them talk.
Today is going to be a good day.....

Sorry it's a short chapter but hope you like it and.... HAVE YOU SEEN JHOPES MIXTAPE, IM SCREAMING!!!!

☀️ This boy literally is a ball of sunshine ☀️
What is your favorite song from his hixtape?
Mine has to be BaseLine cuz it's catchy as fuck!


Ok I'm going now, byeeee ☺️

Ok I'm going now, byeeee ☺️

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