Chapter 십: ᴊɪᴍɪɴ's sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ

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Jimins P.O.V.
I had just woke up the next morning and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth while looking into the mirror only to see my messy hair. After quickly brush my teeth I fixed my hair and walked into the kitchen in a long white shirt and blue boxers. As I was turning the corner I saw a man standing in the kitchen with a kiss jacket on and I immediately knew who it was.

"H-Hobi?" I almost yelled from surprise and he turned around with a bright smile on his face.

"H-Hobi?" I almost yelled from surprise and he turned around with a bright smile on his face

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"Jiminie!" He squealed and ran up to me, wrapping is arms around my waist to give me a hug. I got a little flustered when I realized I was still only wearing boxers and a shirt so I quickly tried pulling down my shirt but that didn't go unnoticed to Jhope.

"Mmm my baby looks sexy" he said with his arms still wrapped firmly around my waist and I yelped when I felt him squeeze my ass.

"Ah, H-Hobi" I said and he moved his face to my neck before attacking it with his plump lips. I quietly moaned when his lips roughly sucked my skin and I moved my hand up to his shoulder before grabbing onto his shirt to keep my weakening legs up.

"Ahh~" I moaned out a little bit louder this time. I then felt him remove his lips from my neck once he was satisfied with the redness of the hickey he gave me and then looked me in the eyes.

"Hobi" i quietly said trying to stay standing. He then quickly gave me a peck on the lips before finally speaking up.

"I can't believe we made it into BTS, I'm so happy!" He squealed with a bright smile on his face that I swear was contagious because the next thing I knew, I was smiling too.

"Yeah I still can't believe it myself either" I said with a little chuckle as I gave my boyfriend my famous eye smile. Then once our excitement died down a bit I decided to ask Jhope why he came to my house so early in the morning.

"Oh Hobi, so why did you come over to my house so early in the morning?" I asked him.

"Well to see you of course, I wanted to take you out to celebrate us getting in BTS" he said with his bright ass smile and I couldn't help but blush a little at his sudden cuteness.

Jhope's P.O.V.
After telling Jimin I wanted to take him out to celebrate he quickly ran back to his room to get dressed since he was still in what he slept in.

Once Jimin had come back he was dressed and ready to go looking as cute as ever.

Once Jimin had come back he was dressed and ready to go looking as cute as ever

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*Time Skip*

After going out for lunch Jimin and I went around having fun at some parks and even went to see a movie but now it was starting to get dark.

"Hey Chimin, you ready to get back?" I asked Jimin who was currently seated on a bench looking up at the night sky.

"Sure" he said with a smile as he looked over to me and then stood up. I snaked my arm around his waist and pulled him close to me as we walked to my apartment since it was closest.

As we were walking into my apartment I decided to glance over at Jimin only to see a blank expression on his face like he was worried about something.

"Hey Jiminie, what's wrong?" I quickly asked after seeing my boyfriends troubled face. As soon as I spoke he was snapped out of his thoughts only to turn to me and act like nothing was wrong by showing his cute eye smile that killed me each time.

"Jiminie~ " I whined to my beloved boyfriend, sad that he wouldn't tell me what was bothering him.

Jimins P.O.V.
I was lost in thought till Jhope spoke up and asked me what was troubling me so much. Truth is that my mind wouldn't stop thing about the way Yoongi had been staring at me and Jhope at the election yesterday. It just bothered me like he had something sinister in mind..... then I was once again was brought back to reality as my boyfriend whined at me.

"Jiminie~" he whined with a small pout.

"What?" I questioned innocently even though I knew what he meant.

"Why won't you tell me what's bothering you?" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice which was rare for him since he was always so happy or trying to turn me on, which usually worked.

"H-Hobi....?" I asked deciding it be best if I just get it over with and tell him, I mean what's the worst that could happen? I questioned.

"Yes" he responded.

"What would you do if you had found out your best friend had fucked your boyfriend in the past because they both got drunk...?" I asked finally getting thos words out into the world.

"I'd be mad" he simply responded and I got a little nervous.

"Why....?" He continued and I looked down before speaking again.

"A-and what if I told you that Y-Yoongi... had fucked me int the past.... because I got dr..unk?" I whispered in a quiet voice still looking down because I was too scared to see what his reaction would be but soon found out anyways.

"WHAT?!" I heard Jhope yell

"WHEN, HOW? Jimin what!" He yelled once more from the shock I gave him.

"...6 years ago.... at a bar" I whispered quietly while looking down but he didn't even let me finish before I felt him grab my thin wrist and pull me out the door and too his car.

Oh no, what have I gotten myself into?

What is going to happen now?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Be ready for next chapter 😏

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