Chapter 이: ᴛᴀᴇʜʏᴜɴɢ

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Taehyung's P.O.V.
I was walking home later that night and I just couldn't get the feeling of Jungkooks lips out of my head, truth is that iv always admired Jungkook since I was young so knowing that he kissed me that day made me so overwhelmed.
When I finally arrived at my house I heard the sound of glass shattering as it hit the ground and I immediately ran inside.

"MOM! MOM! Are you ok" I said rushing over to my mother who was lying on the ground. I quickly helped her into her bed and made sure to tuck her in tight. I then went back into the kitchen were I found glass shards everywhere on the ground and began to pick them up not realizing that I cut myself doing it.

"TAEHYUNG....!" I herd my mom shout from the other room followed by a loud THUD. I rushed back into my moms room where I found her sprawled out on the ground.

"Mom don't worry, I'm here, I'm here" I said as I hugged her tightly and she did the same. Soon I felt tears running down her face as I patted her on the head then hugged her even tighter. My mother has gotten very weak lately and it worries me to death.

My mother got divorced with my father when I was only 9 because he was always cheating on her yet she loved him so much and couldn't stand being without him. Eventually it got so hard for her after that, that at times she wouldn't eat or sleep for days, all she could do was cry. After a couple weeks my grandparents got so worried that they couldn't contact my mother that they came over to check on her. Then when they saw the condition she was in they immediately took us to their house so they could make sure we would eat everyday. But soon after that my grandparents got very ill and they got to were they couldn't even take care of themselves so I began to take care of them and my mother until my grandparents eventually died. Now my mother is the only family I have left so I try to make sure i take extra good care of her so I don't loose her too...
(Flashback ends)

*Time Skip: next morning*

I had just woke up and looked at my alarm when I realized, WAIT ITS ALREADY 9:20, I'm going to be late. I rushed out of the house almost forgetting the key, and ran as fast as I could to work. When I arrived at the BigHit building I rushed in the building and quickly went to the elevator.

Jungkooks P.O.V.
Jimin and I had just arrived and were waiting for the elevator doors to open when I hear someone running up to us from behind.
When we turn around I see Taehyung standing there trying desperately to catch his breath.

"Ah Taehyung, how are you?" I ask as he looked up at me still breathing heavily but doesn't say anything. That's when I see Jimin smiling at me from the corner of my eye.

"So Jungkook, what's your relationship with this guy" Jimin asked with a smirk, I turn around and hit him in the shoulder causing him to whimper.

"Oww! Why'd you have to do that?" Jimin whined as Tae looked at us finally breathing normally, but right as he was going to say something, Jhope came running towards us.

"JIMMMINNNN!!!" He yelled as he came up and tackled Jimin from behind causing them to both smile. Jhope was about to kiss Jimins cheek when he noticed a new face.

"Who's that?" Jhope asked pointing to Taehyung, who was now standing right next
to me in confusion.

"Ah this is Taehyung, he's my new Stylist" I said introducing him to Jhope and Jimin, but of course Jimin knew me too well and just shook his head no when Jhope looked at him a little confused. I immediately look at Jimin with a pissed face that scares the two lovers causing them to flee.

"Come on Jhope lets leave the two newly weds to it" Jimin said putting his arm around Jhope and walking down the hall. Once they were out of my sight I turned to Tae who was super confused by thos two.

"What... just happened?" Tae asked me with a very confused look.

"Don't worry about it, they don't know what they are doing." I said as the door to the elevator opened and i pulled Taehyung in with me. Then we headed up to the right floor and began another day at work.

Smut next chapter 😏

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