Chapter 십삼: ᴡʜʏ?

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Jungkook P.O.V.
I had just arrived at work for the photo shoot today and I was really excited to see how Taehyung's mother was settling into her new place. As I was waiting in the dressing room I heard the door open from behind me and I instantly smiled as I turned around to greet Tae.

"Hey Jungkook" he said with a smile and walked over to the rack of clothes to get straight to work even tho our manager said we had plenty of time

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"Hey Jungkook" he said with a smile and walked over to the rack of clothes to get straight to work even tho our manager said we had plenty of time.

"Hey Tae, hows your mother settling in?" I asked and turned to face where he was now standing. Taehyung then turned around and faced me with a smile before he began to speak.

"She's settling in just fine and even made friends with a few people" he said and once again smiled which made me happy.

"That's good, I'm glad to hear that" I said and gave him a bunny smile but suddenly his smile slowly dissolved and I became a little worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked with clear concern in my voice and he looked down at the floor.

"It's just.... it gets kinda lonely in the house now without my mother" he said with a slightly sad face.

"I'm sorry..." I said and there was a short moment of silence before an idea popped into my head.

"Oh, hey Tae, what if you moved in with me?" I asked and lifted his chin up.

"R-really?!" he asked with a bit of excitement that he tried to hide but failed. I chuckled a bit at his cuteness which caused him to blush and then I spoke up.

"Yes really Tae" I said and he gave me his boxy smile. He was so cute I almost couldn't help myself and pulled Tae onto my lap so he was straddling me.

"J-Jungkook, someone could walk in on u-us" he stuttered and turned his face away to try and keep me from seeing his bright red face but it was too late. I smirked and thought for the millionth time Damn he's so cute, before attacking his neck.

"mm.... ah" Taehyung slightly moaned and I started sucking at his neck roughly before sliding my hand down his back. He gasped when my hands reached his ass and gave it a tight squeeze before slowly massaging it.

" you like that?" I whispered into his ear and he let out a quiet moan.

"y-y-yes" he stuttered out and I smiled into his neck before kissing my way down to his collar bone and slowly but gently tugging his shirt of his shoulders so I would have more axes. I could feel Taehyung squirming below me from all the pleasure as I gave him multiple hickeys but that made me want him more, to abuse his body, fuck him right here and now, to claim him. I wanted him so badly but I knew if I did any more than what I was doing now, someone would definitely hear Taehyungs moans and that wouldn't be good. I quickly restrained my self and removed my lips from Taehyungs soft skin.

"Why'd you stop...?" Tae asked with a pout while panting after taking in all the pleasure I gave him and a smile formed on my face once again because of his cuteness.

"Don't worry..... we'll continue this at my place" I said seductively whispering the last part in his ear as my hot breath hit his skin giving him chills. His face was now a bright red as he desperately looked away from me to hide his face and I smiled.

"Your so cute you know that" I said as I moved his face so he was looking at me. His eyes were down looking anywhere but me when I turned his face so I took the opportunity to admire his cute features until his eyes finally met with mine causing a smile to appear on my face for the hundredth time. I once again grabbed his chin with my thumb and index finger, tilted his head, and smashed my lips onto his soft pink ones. They fit perfectly together as we moved in sink and the fact that Tae kissed me back without hesitation warmed my heart. Just as our kiss was beginning to heat up, we heard a knock on the door followed by someone's voice and we immediately separated.

Who the hell has the guts to interrupt my important business?....

Taehyungs P.O.V.
       When the kiss started to heat up we suddenly heard a knock on the door and a voice so I immediately got off of jungkook and turned around to face the clothes rack to act as if I was picking out an outfit for jungkook.... and also to hide my now bright red face. I then heard the door open from behind me and footsteps entering the room.

"Hey Jungkookie~" a girls voice cooed and I became started. Why is a girl here? I questioned knowing the voice didn't belong to any of the already taken women that worked here in the modeling department. I then heard jungkook speak up, sending chills down my back.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook said in a deep voice as if he was a deadly serial killer. Only then did I decide to turn around but I almost wish I didn't because there standing in front of me was a girl that I had never seen in my life and she was clinging to Jungkook.



I'm pretty sure a lot of you are going to hate me for what I'm about to do but I want to let you know that I love my girl to death and this is all just the plot for a fanfic that I spend my boring ass life writing for fun.

So please don't hate me.....

And it might be a while for the next chapter to come out cuz school is becoming literal hell with all the tests and shit coming up.     Sorry....

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