Chapter 십팔: ʟᴏᴠᴇ

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Taehyungs P.O.V.


I stirred in the bed from the noise hoping it would stop but it didn't. I groaned and reached a lazy hand out to turn off the alarm. We don't have work today so it was ok to turn the alarm off and sleep in. My back felt very warm and I snuggled my body into that warmth only to hear a quiet groan from behind, followed by an arm wrapping around my waist. I smiled at the action and turned my head back to see Jungkook slowly open his eyes from his slumber.

"Good morning" I said in a quiet morning voice as I watched my boyfriend sleepily rub his eyes before taking another look at me

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"Good morning" I said in a quiet morning voice as I watched my boyfriend sleepily rub his eyes before taking another look at me.

"Good morning babe" he said in a raspy morning voice and I instantly blushed. I still had a hard time taking in the fact that we were actually dating now but at the same time I was so happy I almost couldn't contain it. After Jungkook said good morning, he gave me a kiss on the lips before he closed his eyes once again and snuggled his face into my back.

"Let's sleep some more and then we can go out and do something" he said almost in a whisper as he slowly fell back asleep with me in his arms. All I could do was nod at his words before I myself let the darkness overtake me and my eyelids closed leading me to sleep.

Jimins P.O.V.

"Come on Jimin, let's go on a date!" I heard Jhope yell as he came through the front door of my house. I was still in bed trying to get a few more minutes of needed sleep in but I guess my boyfriend had other plans as he waltzed right into my bedroom and jumped on top of me.

"Mmm 5 more minutes" I groaned out but the body on top of me didn't move.

"Come on Jiminie, it's our day off and I want to spend it with my beloved boyfriend" Jhope whined and then looked at me before a grin appeared on his face. I saw his expression out of the corner of my eye but since I was still not full awake, I didn't pay much mind to it..... big mistake. Soon after seeing the grin appear on his face, Jhope leaned down to my ear and whispered into it while his hand went for my upper thigh.

"Jiminie, if you don't get up Hobi is going to have to fuck you awake" he whispered seductively into my ear and my eyes slowly opened as his plump lips met my neck and began to suck at my sensitive skin.

"Hobi~" I whined to him as he knew I was sensitive in the morning but he didn't stop as he was determined to get me out of bed. Before I knew it, Jhope had flipped me over so I was on my back and was already pulling my pants down.

"Mmm.... AH!" I moaned out loudly when I suddenly felt his lips on my exposed member. He immediately started sucking it when I let out a moan and he took my whole member in his warm mouth.

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