Chapter 이십일: ʀᴇᴀʟ ʟᴏᴠᴇ (ᴘᴛ.2) ᴠᴋᴏᴏᴋ

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Taehyungs P.O.V.

I had just heard that Jin posted our video meaning our music was out to the world and I couldn't help but be a bit nervous on how people will react to it so I opened up my laptop and looked it up. What I wasnt expecting was there to be a whole bunch of comments spilling in.

"Wow" I quietly whispered and read all the comments which to my surprise were all good.
This is unbelievable, I thought to myself and right when I was about to go get Jungkook to show him the results, he walked in.

"Oh hey kookie, look at this" I said waving him over to my laptop and showed him all the positive comments we were getting on our music video.

"Damn" Was all that came out of his mouth before I was suddenly lifted from my seat and was held bridal style by Jungkook.

"Jungkook wa-what are you-" and before I could finish, I was stoped by a soft pair of lips hitting mine. I instantly melted into them and a light red color appeared on my cheeks. Once we had run out of air, we parted our plumb lips and Jungkook smiled at me.

"We should hurry home" Jungkook said and then set me down so my feet were back on the ground. I nodded and with that we quickly packed our stuff up and hurried back to Jungkooks place in which I now lived in.

*Time Skip*

Jungkooks P.O.V.

As soon as we arrived at my place, we walked in and placed all our stuff down. I saw that Tae was heading for the fridge probably to get something to eat but I was hungry for something else. I walked over to Tae and grabbed hold of his wrist and started pulling him to our room. He didn't make a sound till we reached our bedroom and I instantly pinned him to the wall.

"J-Jungkook" he whispered with a flushed face and I just smiled before connecting my lips to his and moving them in sink to his. The kiss was lustful but passionate and I wanted to shower Tae with kisses but I held myself back. I then parted our lips and looked him in the eyes.

"Shall we continue?" I asked making sure I didn't end up doing something he didn't want to do but he nodded and a smile immediately appeared on my face as I smash my lips back onto his and lift him up off the ground. I then turned and placed him on the bed and put myself in between his legs. His face soon turned a dark red which made him look extremely cute.

"God Tae" was all I said as I looked down at him and then licked my lips. Without trying to hold back anymore, I lifted his shirt just enough to reveal his cute little round belly and started kissing all over occasionally leaving a hickey or two. Then slowly moving on, I found my way to Tae's pants and quickly disposed of them making his face turn red once again.

"Ju-Jungkook, please..." he said cutely but in need. All I could do was admire my work as I then slowly started taking my pants off as well. Tae kept his eyes on me the whole time and once my pants were gone, I positioned myself in front of his entrance.

"Ready?" I asked

"Y-yes" Taehyung stuttered Out and with the signal to continue on, I slowly pushed my member inside of him causing him to moan out. In order to let him adjust to my size, I bent down and gave him a quick kiss before we parted again and I finally started to move.

"Ahh~" he quietly moans and let me just say that it is music to my ears. Once I had felt Tae had loosened up enough for me to pick up the pace, I started thrusting my member into him a bit faster and then faster. In no time did Tae become a moaning mess as his face flushed light red and he clutched the sheets tightly.

"Tae, you feel so goo-d" I groaned out and then placed my hands on both sides of his head. I looked down at him while still thrusting into him and he looked at me before he then wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled himself up and connected his soft lips to mine. They moved in sync once again with Tae occasionally moaning a bit but with the lack of air soon coming, we parted and I felt a ball slowly starting to build in my stomach.

"Im getting close" I warned him and then grabbed onto his hips. I then began to thrust faster into him and with each thrust I got deeper and deeper.

"Ah-ah... J-JUNGKOOK!" Tae moaned out once I hit his good spot and with that I made sure to hit it over and over to give him great pleasure as I thrusted into my boyfriend.

"j-jungKOOK... I-I'm c-cumING!" Tae warned and soon after, he came onto his chest. I was just about there but I still hadn't cum so I continue thrusting into Tae. He was now very sensitive after coming so in order to make it quick I started thrusting into him at a inhuman speed.

"AH-AH-AH, JUNGKOOOK" he moaned loudly.

"Just h-ang in there" I managed to get out as I continued to thrust into him. With a few more fast thrusts I felt my climax finally coming and took one last thrust before I came.

"AH, ahh~" Tae moaned and I rode out my high before pulling out and laying next to him. We were now both a mess and completely drained of energy.

"Tae..." i huffed out still trying to steady my breathing. When I didn't get a response I looked over to my boyfriend only to find him passed out and now peacefully sleeping on the bed. I smiled at how cute he looks and then got up to grab some tissues.

"Your so cute" I whispered as I cleaned him up along with myself. Once we were clean and I had changed us both into some clean boxers and a t-shirt, I crawled into bed right behind Tae and snake my arms around him so I was now giving him a back hug.

And slowly with that I let darkness surround me and I soon fell asleep.....

I'm slowly but surely getting these last few parts out and the it will be the end. The next chapter will be kinky tho so look forward to that but it might take a while to write.

And please leave some suggestions for what you want to see if I do decide to do the Yoongi x y/n part

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