Chapter 십사: ɪ ᴛʀᴜsᴛᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ...

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Jungkook P.O.V.
I was in shock. Why was she here? I asked myself over and over again but the question never got answered, instead it was replaced by her annoying voice calling my name and clinging onto me like her life depended on it. I never wanted to see her face again in my life after all the problems she caused me in the past... but weather I liked it or not, she indeed was standing right fucking in front of me after cutting my time short with Taehyung. As I got ready to speak I made sure to deepen my voice into a growl and put a pissed look on my face.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked again in my deep voice. She didn't do anything but come over to me and attempt to hug me.

"Aww Jungkookie~" she whined but I could no longer take this and stood up pushing her off me.

"LISA" I yelled and she became stiff but contained he pouty face so she didn't look like she had been frightened by my outburst.

"I asked what your doing here?" I repeated myself for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Jungkookie~ what are you flustered to see your girlfriend here~" she said in her whine voice while hugging my arm but that just made my blood boil even more.

"I'm not your boyfriend" I said in a deeper and more pissed tone than ever and pushed her off me once again. This was the most annoying thing ever but when I thought I had gotten my point across to her she just smirked and squeezed my arm again. Damn this girl is staring to piss me off to no extent, I thought as I tried to restrain from yelling anymore. Just then my manager walked in as if on cue.

"Jungkook- oh I see you've meet Lisa already" she said looking at Lisa, then turned back to me and immediately continued.

"You are going to be doing a photo shoot with her and the theme is couples so..." she then turned from me to Taehyung.

"I want you to pick out an outfit for Jungkook that fits that theme" she said and then gestures for Lisa to follow her out of the room but before she exited I swear she mouthed something to Taehyung but didn't quite catch what it was.

Taehyungs P.O.V.
The event of what just happened repeated in my head and thoughts ran rapidly though my brain. Lisa... Jungkook..... dating? Wait no no no he said she wasn't his girlfriend..... then does that mean they dated at one point? NO NO NO! He can't have possibly dated someone like here unless.... he was forced?! I thought but still became a little sad that she was all kissy kissy with him. I tried to focus on picking an outfit for Jungkook but then, once again, became sad because he was shooting with her. Suddenly the scene of Lisa leaving the room flashed in my head.


As Lisa was leaving the room with our manager Lisa turned around and mouthed something to me along the lines of:

'Leave him alone'
'He's mine'

But I couldn't exactly tell as she then smiled at me and left the room

*Flashback end*

After that little flash back I got a little sad but to cheer myself up I decided to remember what we did before she came rather than after and it kinda worked. Finally I managed to pick out an outfit and I thought it was perfect.

This was the results....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This was the results

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After Jungkook had gotten ready and fixed up with a bit of makeup and hair dye, we went out to the place we set up for the photo shoot and there was Lisa also ready.

This was her look....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This was her look

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Once all together and ready our photographer started telling them places to stand and how to position their bodies for the perfect photo. It first started out with something simple as them both sitting down or looking at each other but then it started it pick up and became Lisa laying her head in Jungkooks lap and vice versa until eventually, the photographer became even more greedy and told them to stand close together and even had Lisa put here hands on Jungkooks chest. I got a little jealous and could tell Lisa was really getting into it but I still couldn't help but get a little sad. Suddenly I heard the photographer speak up again.

"Ok now Lisa move even closer to Jungkook and wrap your arms around his neck" I immediately didn't like where this was going as Lisa didn't even hesitate to do what he said and then he continued his orders.

"Now Jungkook, put one arm around her waist and I want you two to stair into each others eyes" he said but Jungkook was hesitating to do as said.

"Come on we don't have time to waste" the photographer said and Jungkook gave in not wanting to make anyone mad. I couldn't help but think what if this two were actually dating and Jungkook was using me as a play ting but I didn't want to overthink too much and cleared my mind the best I could.

After a few more photos and positions it was coming down to the last few photos but the words that left the photographers lips next shocked me to death along with everyone else.

"Ok, now I would like you two to kiss, I think it would be an amazing photo and drive the fans crazy" he said as if praising himself for the idea. Before anyone even had time to protest he spoke up to begin the shoot.

"Now let me see that kiss" he said and I looked over in anticipation to see if he was actually going to do it. As I looked over Lisa looked over at me and smirked before turning back to Jungkook and smashing her lips onto his. I felt tears threatening to leave as I watched that but held them back. The photographer quickly snapped photos of them. Suddenly I saw Jungkook kissing her back and the tears that threatened to escape before were now falling down my face uncontrollably. I felt embarrassed... embarrassed for think Jungkook liked me, embarrassed for crying over him, and embarrassed for even thinking I had a chance with him. I quickly attempted to stop my tears and wipe them away but they didn't stop one bit. I just felt too sad and weak to control my emotions so I quickly ran out of the room before anyone noticed or could even stop me.....

Plz plz plz don't hate me for this, again in love my gurl Lisa to DEATH!

But otherwise hope you enjoyed and thank you for 4K reads ☺️

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