Chapter 십이: ғᴏʀɢɪᴠᴇɴᴇss

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Suga's P.O.V.
       Last night was crazy because for fuck sake we had a god damn threesome-ish thing. After that we all ended up falling asleep in my studio and when I woke up in my chair, my back was absolutely killing me.

"Shit!" I whispered when I tried to stand up but almost fell. Last night definitely was rough I thought while stretching but my eyes got lead over to the couch in the corner of my studio. There sleeping on the couch was Jhope and Jimin curled up with each other. It was probably the damn cutest thing Iv ever saw.  Jhope was fully dressed and cuddling Jimin tightly in his arms who was only wearing his shirt and black boxers as Jhope barred his face into the crook of Jimins neck. I couldn't help but allow a smile to appear on my face as I looked at my best friend and his cute ass boyfriend snuggling together as if it was the last time they would be together. As I looked at them, my smile faded a bit as I remembered what we did last night. It kinda felt wrong but at the same time Hoseok was going to find out about the bar thing eventually and the way we chose to settle it was kinda childish, maybe even greedy but he agreed to it which surprised me a bit. As I was lost in my thoughts I didn't realize the sleeping boy in front of me start to stir.

"Mmm.... Y-Yoongi?" A voice said and I was snapped out for my thoughts. I then looked down to the once sleeping Jimin who was now awake, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Oh Jimin, I did realize you woke up" I said and he smiled at me.

"It's fine" he said and sat up with Hoseoks arms still rapped tightly around his waist.

Jimins P.O.V.
      When I woke up I found Yoongi standing infront of me as I was being tightly held in Hobi's warm arms.

"Mmm... Y-Yoongi?" I asked sleepily as I rubbed my eyes.

"Oh Jimin, I didn't realize you woke up" Yoongi said a little startled but with his normal cold tone that I had now gotten use to.

"It's fine" I said and sat up while Hobi's arms moved down to my waist, still with a firm grip. When I looked back to Yoongi I could tell he had a troubled face as he looked down, almost trying to avoid eye contact.

"You seem troubled, what's wrong?" I asked and Yoongi shot his head up to look at me.

"H-huh? W-what do you mean, there's nothing bothering me" he said kinda startled and I glared at him making him sigh in defeat.

"Ok fine..." he said and I gestured for him to continue.

"Last night is kinda bothering me, I don't want to have got between your relationship with Jhope just because we... kinda... f..uck" he said looking down and my face softened seeing how much he truly cared.

"Don't worry Yoongi, after everything that happened I don't think he's going to keep a grudge against you just because of what happened at the bar or last night.... especially since you two are such good friends" I said giving him a reassuring smile and a small smile appeared on his face too. Almost immediately after our conversation ended I suddenly felt Jhope start moving around before his eyes slowly opened and he sat up.

"Morning babe" he said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning to you too sunshine" I said to my beloved boyfriend, giving him an eye smile which made him smile as well and he started giving me a whole bunch of kisses on the cheek.

"Hobi... stop~" I said while laughing at his sudden cuteness and affection he was giving me as he continued simultaneously kissing my cheek with his warm lips.

"Hobi~" I said giggling and tried getting him to stop.... and surprisingly succeeding. We then sat there face to face with us both smiling before he quickly smashed his lips onto mine, giving me a sweet kiss that I gladly excepted. When we finally pulled apart due to the lack of air, he looked at me with his bright smile before he turned to the side to look at something... or rather someone.

"What are you smiling about?" Hobi asked and I turned back around to see Yoongi standing infront of us with a small smile on his face once again. As soon as Hobi said that Suga quickly snapped out of his daydream and hid his smile from us.

"Shut up and leave, I want to sleep" he said in a cold tone, turning around, and walking over to his chair as  Hobi and I burst out laughing. Typical Yoongi I thought and then got up from the couch with Jhope following my actions. I then went to grab my pants only to realize they weren't where I last saw them and then quickly scanned the room for them only to not be found.

"Umm... Hobi, do you know where my pants are?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Yoongi do you know where they are?" Jhope then asked Yoongi but he just shrugged.

"Don't ask me, once something's lost in here it can never be found" he said and i frowned.

"Wait.... is that what happened to those expensive wireless headphones I lent you but never got back?" Hobi suddenly asked and I turned to him with a confused look.

".....YEP" Yoongi said and then turned towards his computer in his chair as Jhope just sighed.

"So... I don't have pants now?" I said and Jhope turned to me with a smirk.

"Come on, off to my dance studio" Jhope said and walked over to me, picking me up off the ground and I immediately wrap my arms around his neck.

"You ready?" He asked me and I nodded

"Ok were off Yoon, UP UP AND AWAY!~" Hobi yelled and I smiled as Jhope ran with me in his arms, out of The Min's Studio. Then right as we exited the room I  swear I heard Yoongi faintly laughing which made me smile.

You truly are a good person....


I made a little filler chapter thing since some of you didn't like how Yoongi was in the last chapter but I swear I didn't mean to make him some heartless dude who only cares about himself, so I made this chapter even tho this technically should have been a Vkook chapter....

Your welcome

And sorry if this was a poorly written chapter with run on sentences, I'm tired af and didn't really feel like revising this chapter that much

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