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It was about two weeks later when Hotch found himself in his bed, while Emily was still asleep, her head resting on his chest. She was literally clinging to his body, like she was afraid that he would move away. He never would, of course.

He loved watching her sleeping, it was so peaceful and calm. It was still feeling so surreal to him how lucky he had gotten; Emily was here, as his girlfriend, Kaia and her where living with him and Jack, they worked together again - and they were happy. Their relationship was filled with pure happiness and love. Both of them knew that little arguments and discussion where part of a relationship as well, but their many years as 'just' best friends had given them the ability to deal with those as well.

Emily moved slowly as she woke up. She opened her eyes a bit, raising her head so she could look at him. A smile immediately formed on her lips.

"Hey", she whispered and only the sound of her voice made him feel like coming home. She was his home.

"Hey you", he smiled down at her, running his hand softly over her back, up and down. "Did you sleep well?"

"God, I slept like a log", she grinned and rested her chin on his chest so she could fix her eyes on him.

"Noticed that", he chuckled.

"How long have you been awake?", she asked, as she relaxed to his touch on her back.

"Since 7 I guess", he said and turned his look to the alarm clock on the bedside table.

"Wait, what time is it?", Emily suddenly jumped. Why did Kaia not wake them? Usually she would wake them up at least around 7:30. Panic shot through her veins. Motherly panic.

"It's 9:23", Hotch replied, his eyes still on the bedside table.

"Did you hear Kaia? I haven't slept this long since I am a mother!", she said, sitting up to look for her clothes, which where spread over the bedroom floor from the previous night.

"Jack is with her", he smiled.

"Jack?", she turned around to him in surprise. She didn't expect a 7-years-old to be able to calm down a baby, but obviously, it had worked.

"Yea, she woke up around 7, and he did, too. I heard how he walked over to her room and talked to her until she feel asleep again. He still with her I guess", he answered.

"Oh", Emily said, but she smiled in relief. "I'm glad they get along so well."

"Me too", he said and watched her curling up to his side again, now that she knew that someone was looking after Kaia. She buried her face in the side of his chest, breathing in his unique scent which made her relax immediately. His arm was wrapped around her, and they just stayed like this, enjoying each other's presence and the peaceful time, not thinking about that they had to go back to work tomorrow.

"I love you", she then whispered into his shirt.

"I love you too", he smiled, meaning every single word of it. He had loved her for so long, he had held it in for years and now he was finally able to tell her; to say it out loud.

As they heard Jack's voice coming out of Kaia's room, Emily let out a small sigh. "We should probably get some clothes on before the kids come in.", she grinned and got up. "And I'm so not ready for the 'What-are-Mom-and-Dad-doing-in-bed-apart-from-sleeping' or the 'Where-do-babies-come-from'-question!"

They both chuckled and picked up their clothes. It was supposed to feel weird how they talked about Jack and Kaia as 'their' children, but they had grown to a real family so fast, even though Emily was not Jack's mother and Aaron not Kaia's father. Of course both of them regularly saw Haley and Josh, but Jack had already accepted Emily and Kaia as a part of their family, and Aaron hoped that Kaia would accept him as well when she was old enough.

A short time later, they found themselves in their bed again, Aaron wearing his shirt and jogging pants, while Emily was wearing panties and one of his shirts.

"I don't ever want to get out of this bed again", she yawned and closed her eyes for a short time. Before he could reply, the door opened and Jack walked in, carefully helping Kaia to walk as well by holding her hands. Emily and Aaron both immediately smiled at the sight of them.

"Dad! Emily!", the boy said proudly.

"Good morning you two", she said softly. "Thank you for looking after her, Jack."

"She likes it when I tell her stories about school", he replied. "This morning I told her about my soccer game in the lunch break some days ago. I like being a big brother!"

A big brother. Jack had never before defined himself as Kaia's big brother and only the fact that he had now done it made their hearts melt. Aaron reached out to lift Kaia on the bed and Jack climbed in on his own, sitting down at Emily's feet, while Aaron placed Kaia on his lap, holding her in his arms.

"I think someone needs a new diaper", he said and looked down at her. She was looking at him with these wide, green brown that were similar to Emily's.

"I'll go", Emily said and picked up Kaia before getting up and walking out of their bedroom.

"Emily?", Jack asked as she was just out of the door.

"Yes, buddy?", she turned around and looked at him.

"Are you coming with Dad to watch my soccer game later?", he smiled shyly.

"You can bet on it", she smiled. "I'll be standing in the first line!"

Jack turned around to his father again, smiling happily. Aaron loved the way the two got along, especially how quickly Jack had accepted her. He had been growing up with Emily in his life, but Hotch had expected him to have difficulties with the fact that she was now his father's girlfriend. But, none of this had happened - it had been the complete opposite actually.

"Dad", he whispered.


"I'm glad that Emily is here."

"Me too, Jack", he smiled at his son. "Me too."

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