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"He's going to be shocked", Emily gasped and turned to JJ, her eyes wide open.

It was like in one of those boring movies, where two best friends found themselves on the toilet, with one of them having a pregnancy test. In their case, JJ and Emily were on the toilet at work, with two pregnancy tests in front of them. And both of them were positive.

"Congrats Em", JJ smiled. "Why should he be shocked?"

"We don't have time for 'another' baby", Emily exclaimed. "Kaia just turned two and Jack is eight, and the combination of these two and our work is already hard enough - and I - I personally feel like a bad mother already for being away for work sometimes - how am I supposed to - to bring an innocent baby in this world without being able to be there for him or her all the time?"

Tears had formed in her eyes. She would keep this baby, of course, no matter what, but she was panicking.

"Emily Prentiss", JJ said in a determined voice. "You are a good mother! Did you hear me? Kaia loves you, she admires you and she is one of the happiest kids I have ever seen! Look at Jack, he had a great childhood and now he is old enough to understand what his father is doing at his job and Hotch is his hero, everybody knows that. I bet both of them will be very excited to have another sibling."

Emily let out a small sigh and looked at the tests again. She still couldn't believe that they were really positive. She was pregnant again.

"But Kaia and Jack both also have a parent who does not work at the FBI", she whispered. "Aaron and I both work here, we both have this job. There won't be a father for the baby who is home with her, like Josh is with Kaia. And - and Aaron and I never talked about having children - I mean, God, we're together for a year by now - usually you would wait -"

"But the two of you just couldn't keep your hands from each other?", JJ smirked. "Look, we both know Hotch. He loves you, he loves Jack and he also loves Kaia. He is going to love this baby with all his heart and the two of you will be able to make this work. Okay?"

She nodded, but did not completely believe her. A baby. A part of her was totally excited to finally have a child with the man she had always loved, but there was this part in her that just made her worry too much. Usually, she would never doubt Hotch's attitude towards children, but she could totally imagine and also understand him being worried. She was as well.

"Stop overthinking", JJ sighed. "You're going to become a mother again, Em. And with you and Hotch as it's parents, this baby is going to spoiled like hell."

They both let out a slight chuckle. Emily then took the tests and shove them into her bag.

"Don't wait too long to tell him", JJ raised her eyebrows. "This could be dangerous for the baby. And you should see a doctor as soon as possible to get to know how far you already are!"

"Understood, Sir", Emily smiled and wiped away some of the tears that had silently started to run down her cheeks. God, the hormones were already getting on her nerves.

"Hey, I'm just a good friend", she smiled.

"You are", Emily nodded. "And I am really thankful to have you."

"Same goes for you", JJ grinned. "And Hotch has seriously no clue?"

"When I threw up in the living room some days ago we assumed it to be a stomach flue - cliché - so, no, I don't think so. Even I myself didn't even consider it until you asked me if I was late.", she said.

"I bet he at least considered it,  but he would never tell you", the blonde smiled.

"No, I'm pretty sure he has no clue", Emily mumbled.

And he really hadn't had any clue. He was a profiler, yes, but when it came to Emily, his profiling skills totally failed. This was what made her so special to him. He knew her so well, yet he could never easily profile or read her.

Since he had only seen her throwing up once, he really assumed it to be a stomach flue or something similar, but the thought of Emily being pregnant hadn't been on his mind so far.

"Hey", he looked up as he heard her voice. She was standing right in front of his desk, he hadn't even noticed her coming in.

"Hey", he smiled. Immediately, his eyebrows furrowed at the sight of her slightly red eyes. "Did you cry?"

"What? No!", she said and looked down.

"What's wrong?", he then asked her.

"Why should anything be wrong?", she replied almost innocently.

"Something is different", he muttered and kept his eyes fixed on her.

"No, really", she smiled. "I was about to ask if we should go to this diner for lunch later?"

"Sure", he nodded and gave her a small smile. Yet, he noticed that something was different. She was acting different, her behavior was strange but he couldn't say why. It was driving him insane that he couldn't read her like other people.

"Cool", she replied and quickly left his office. God, what was she doing? Could she have been any more obvious? Probably not. She let out a small sigh and turned around to enter his office again.

"There is something I need to tell you", she admitted, looking down. "Can we talk after work?"

"Yes, of course", he immediately said. He was worried about her. Emily was not the type of women who easily talk about her problems or anything else, so the fact that she already asked him to talk meant that something was really bothering her. Had he done something wrong? Said anything that could make her feel bad? Or did she start to have doubts about their relationship? Too many questions shot to his mind and he kept staring at her, as she left his office again.

The thought of her doubting their relationship scared him. He knew that some people at the FBI weren't a huge fan of them; Hotch had already heard that people were saying that he probably just used Emily until he would find another subordinate. Emily had already been accused of only "sleeping with him for higher chances in her career". But both of them had never listened to any of these words. At least, he had thought so.

"Little do you know" - HotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now