can you feel it through?

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Six months had passed. Emily was already on maternal leave since the risk of a miscarriage was still too high, but she and the twins were fine at this moment.

They would move in a bigger house next month, with a bedroom for each child, even though the babies would live in Emily and Aaron's room at the beginning. There was even a room left over, which would be Aaron's office. He had only smirked and said that this room would also be big enough for another nursery, but Emily had just laughed and told him that they should first manage a life with four children before getting even more.

That one evening, Aaron was just coming home from work. He unlocked the door to their house and let out a small sigh at the thought of leaving this house next month. He and Jack had lived there for quite some time and he knew that he was going to miss this place the first few months.

"I'm home!", he announced as he closed the door behind him. Immediately, Jack ran out of the living room and jumped into his father's arms. He was only eight years old, yet he already understood how dangerous his Dad's job was sometimes and he celebrated it every time he came home.

Kaia followed him, walking as quick as her short legs could carry her, hugging his legs.

It were moments like this that meant the world to Hotch. They made him feel like really coming home, like belonging somewhere. Even though he wasn't even related to Kaia and neither was Jack to Emily, they were a family. His family. If he was honest, he would have never believed that he would be able to have a real family again, not after Haley had left him because of his job. But Emily had taken his hand and shown him how. She had promised to be around, and she was. It was her who had taught him to believe in real love and a family again.

"Hey you two", he smiled and hugged both of them back. Looking up, he discovered his girlfriend leaning in the doorframe, smiling at the scene in front of her. She had one hand carefully resting on her belly, which had been growing really fast the past few months.

After the kids had let go of him and rushed pass Emily to get back into the living room, he was finally able to walk over to her.

"Hey you", she smiled and he leaned in to kiss her. He kissed her softly, like she was made of glass he was scared to break her or the twins. She brought her hands to his sides, pulling him as close as possible due to her belly.

"I missed you", he whispered and leaned his forehead against hers.

"We missed you, too", she replied, glancing down at her stomach.

"How are you? And them?", he then asked, like he always did. Both of them were aware that the high risk of a miscarriage was still existent and since the past few months went by so well, they kind of expected something to happen every second.

"We're fine", she smiled happily. "They were kicking a lot today." Taking his hand, she placed them carefully on her belly. The kicks were weak and barely noticeable at this moment, but they made him smile widely anyways.

"Look, they are showing that they are more than fine", he whispered, still amazed. "They are strong, just like their Mum. And as stubborn as her, too, I guess."

"Hey!", she hit his chest playfully, letting out a slight chuckle.

"It's not always bad to be stubborn", he defended himself, grinning. "I love you for being so stubborn, for example."

"Well then", she grinned and began to softly rub his hands, still resting on her belly. "Jack just told me that he is scared that he won't be able to know who is who when they are born."

"Oh, me too!", he replied. "What if they look totally alike?"

"I'm sure that you will be able to distinguish your daughters.", she chuckled. "You will see."

Jack had at first been terrified when he had been told that he would get two sisters, not a brother. But Reid then had explained him how cool and strong he would look if he took care and protected them. That had changed the boy's mind a bit, but he had still asked his father if he could have a brother anyways one day.

A loud 'Bang' made the two adults turn around, looking into the living room.

"Everything's fine!", Jack yelled, holding up a heavy book in his hands. "I caught it."

Emily and Aaron just stared at him confusion, not even asking why the book fell off the shelf. It wasn't the first time that they found themselves in situation like this, and they had told Jack about 100 times that you could just ask them if he needed something, but as always; the boy thought that he was able to manage it on his own.


Later that night, after they had brought the kids to bed, Aaron entered their bedroom. Emily was already in bed, waiting for him to join her.

"How was work?", she asked, while he was changing to comfortable clothes. They barely talked about their work in front of their children, so she mostly asked him in privacy.

"Exhausting", he sighed and climbed into the bed. "And the team's a mess too, well, JJ and Reid are."

"That doesn't surprise me", Emily smiled as he snuggled close her, wrapping his arms around her and hiding his face in her neck.

"Everyone knows that they have feelings for each other, apart from them themselves", he mumbled against her skin.

Being close to her was his way to calm down after a stressful day. She gave him warmth and safety. It had already been like this in earlier times, and he knew that this would never change.

"They will make it one day", she replied and kissed his hair softly. "Get some sleep, babe. You need it."

"I love you", he whispered and kissed her neck.

"I love you, too", she smiled and ran her hand through his dark hair until he had fallen sleep, and soon, she fell asleep as well.


"Aaron", she sobbed and he immediately woke up. She sat next to him, tears flooding her face, her whole body shaking.

"Emily, what's up?", he asked as he sat up, worried like hell. The twins, he thought, it must be the twins.

"It hurts", she winced in pain, holding her belly. "It - it just won't stop hurting."

And he had probably never driven to the hospital that fast before.

"Little do you know" - HotchnissWhere stories live. Discover now