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.::Y/n P.O.V ::.

I was so excited, my first summer camp, and my one and only true friend Zuri Ross, is going with me. Her siblings are too but Luke wasn't, because he had to go to summer school. "Y/n, are you ready" my mother yelled from downstairs "hold on mom, I'm getting ready" "what but I woke you up at 7:30, and it's now 8:00, why aren't you ready" She yelled again "I was doing my hygiene first!" I spoke again "okay, well hury up you have to go at 8:57 and you have to pack also" "yes ma'am."
I ran to my dresser and pulled out some matching clothes. I wasn't really girly-girl all the time, but I was. I grabbed my hygiene equipment and put it in the pocket. "Done packing" I said standing up and putting my hands to my hips. "Now time to get dressed.
I walked over to my bed and grabbed an outfit putting it on.
^^the image above^^
I grabbed my shoes and slipped them over my socks. "Okay, im ready" I said and grabbed my bag walking downstairs "just in time it's 8:45, we have enough time to go to the house" she was talking about the penthouse Zuri and her siblings live in. "Come on bag in trunk and in the car" I nodded and ran outside, opening the trunk plopping the bag in and closing it.
I walked up to the door and opened it getting in "seat belts bucked" my mom said buckling her seat belt, as I did too, and we drove off.

.::Zuri P.O.V::.

"Hurry up people, I wanna go and see Lou" Emma said rushing us "okay, okay, I'm coming" I said and walked up to Emma. Ravi came and had Mrs. Kipling with him "ugh, your talking her with you, again?" I said, her tail hit my leg and I looked down "hey, watch where your swinging that thing, Mrs." I spoke "Okay kids, it's time to go in the elivator" Jessie said pushing us inside."Bye Luke" I yelled, and he waved bye as the others did too.

We walked outside and I saw y/n sitting on a bench on her phone "y/n!!" I yelled, and waved my arms in the air like crazy "Zuri calm down, your not a super wacky inflatable man" Emma said putting her hand on my shoulder making me stop.
Y/n looked up and a smile plastered on her face, she walked up to us giving me a hug. "Heya Zer, are you ready to go?" she asked me, I nodded and she smiled.
Timeskip:.: you arrive at camp

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

We stepped out of the car and I grabbed my bag walking up to a sign that said, "welcome, to camp kikiwaka?" I read it out loud "yep, you wernt here last summer so you don't know what's going to happen, it's crazy at this camp" Ravi told me "oh, well,...I wanna go in, LET'S GO" I said and ran in with my bag following behind "wait up y/n" I heard Zuri yell from behind me trying to catch up.
I stopped and she ran beside me "wow, no wonder you have 4 gold metals for track" she catches her breath and puts an hand on my shoulder and looked up at me "okay, I'm better now" she said as I laughed. "Zuri?!" I heard a voice from behind me, I turned my head to find a girl with two pigtails and she was wearing a purple shirt with overalls on and purple knee high socks with converses. "Tiffany!!" Zuri yelled and hugged her "haha, crazy" I said. They let go and the girl named Tiffany looked at me "who's that" she asked "Oh this is my best friend y/n, we've known each other since 3rd grade" Tiffany nodded and walked over to me holding her hand out "hi, I'm Tiffany and your y/n as I already know" she said I smiled and grabbed her hand shaking it firmly " yes I'm y/n, and you must be,Tiffany" "ah, she even knows how to shake a had firmly, I also love your accent" Tiffany said wide eyes looking at Zuri "well duh, she's from Russia, she has a pretty British accent" Zuri said. I nodded agreeing " Oh I have to go get my bag, I'll see you around y/n, bye Zuri" she said running off to wherever she was going.
"Okay, let's go see Lou" I looked confused " Lou?, who's that" she looked back at me "oh, Lou? She's the captain of Woodchuck cabin, don't worry you'll like her once you get to meet her" I nodded and followed behind Zuri to this so called Lou.
We stopped infront of a cabin that had two chairs right in front of the door. Zuri busted it open and yelled "I'm back babies" I widened my eyes "Zuri you can't just bust open a door and yell like that " I said, she shrugged "Omg Zuri, my little woodchuck is all grown up" a girl with a ponytail and brown eyes said "y/n, this is Lou, we've known her since last summer, Lou this is y/n, she's been my best friend, and she's from Russia" Zuri said looking at me "oh, hi y/n, I'm lou, the captain of Woodchuck cabin and is am also the councilor with Emma and Xander" I nodded "oh, well it's nice to meet you, Lou" Lou put a hand over her chest and gasped "Oh wow, your accent is BEAUTIFUL" smiled "thank you" I nodded and looked around "hey, Mabey I can pull you in here with us" she ran to her bed and took out a paper, but frowned "oh, the only thing opened is Grizzly cabin, I'm guessing Xander won't mind, and a knew kid is going to be in that cabin too." She said still looking at the paper. "Who's that?"

Hey guys I hope you liked this one, a reminder the episodes will be mixed up, I'll try to get them in order, but for now, they're going to be scrambled eveywere,
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