.::Come Back::.

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.::Y/n P.O.V::.

Its been like a week at camp champion,  and it's been really borin. I can't even use my spare time to write letters to my mother. And all we do is exercise and work out, and. Blah blah blah.

I woke up to a knock on my cabin door "nooo, leave me alooone" I groaned pulling the cover over my face "no can do, it's lazy day today" I turned to the other side "then....LET.ME.SLEEP.IN" I yelled closing my eyes again "nope, come on, get up" I heard the door opened and someone pulling me out of bed "Eriiiccc" I whined "come on, when I mean by lazy day, I mean by 'get up we are going to be outside today just hanging out'" I rolled my eyes and stepped over to my bag opening it up."what are you doing" I pulled out a dress "getting dressed, now wait" I spoke again walking into the bathroom.

I stepped out in the blue flowery dress.
     ^image above^
I put my pj's on my bed and put my hands on my hips "okay then come on let's hang out" I said air quoting the word 'hang out' he walked to the door dragging me with him.
We walked outside and the sun hit me in the face "ouch,...that hurt" he laughed "come on, stop being a short vampire, and have fun" I rolled my eyes and kept walking.
We stopped at the spot, where all of the other campers are "okay guys were here, she took forever" I smacked his arm "shut up" "ouch" he rubbed the spot where I hit him.   I walked over to the broken down truck and sat on it "well, why am I here, since you interrupted my sleep" he turned to me "were hanging out, arnt we, your just being a little brat who's always grumpy whenever someone wakes you up" A girl said in a sassy tone "don't speak to me that way honey, you don't know what's going to come at you" I said sounding calm and looking at her "oh ya, well why don't ya, just make me" she said standing up and walking towards me "pleas, stop trying to sound cool, cause let me just give you some facts, your not" everyone 'ooohed' And the girl turned to see them, and they stopped "now, I don't want to interup, but she is the strongest girl here, so please don't try her" a boy said sounding scared.
I scoffed "surrrre" I said rolling my eyes not giving a crap. Next thing I knew she lifted her fist and swung but I ducked just in time and punched her in the gut. She winced in pain and grabbed her stomach "oh ya, is that all you got" she said glaring at me " nope" spoke happily. He started again trying to jump at me but I ducked and swung my foot making her trip then brought my knee up kneeling her in the chin, and she fell to the ground "now, that's all I got, but not all of it, so next time think before you do sweetheart" I said sitting on the truck again, with all eyes on me. "Eric, I thought I said that I didn't want to be here, it gave me weird memories of camp kikiwaka" he walked up to me "were not leaving, sweetcheeks" he pinched my cheek. "Don't touch me...I knew I shouldn't have come here" I said laying my head on my hand "then why did you come here" "BECAUSE, CAMP KIKIWAKA WAS ANNOYING, BUT I'M GUESSING THIS IS MORE ANNOYING!!" I yelled and jumped off of the truck walking away "hey where are you going" I heard Eric behind me, "I'm going to a diffrent camp" I told him still walking to the cabin "you can't just leave, camp champion is your home now."

.::Griff P.O.V::.

I was pacing back and forth in the cabin "dude calm down, she'll probably be back" Jorge told me trying to calm me down, but I couldn't calm down "no, HOW CAN I POSIBLY CALM DOWN DUDE, ugh, she'll never come back, I drove her away because if my stupid self." I sat in my bed and put my hands up to my face, letting a tear out. She ment so much to me, and I just let her walk out, I need to get her back. "Dude, are you crying, you miss her that mu-" "YES I DO, I LOVE HER...OKAY?!?!?" I screamed at him leaving him wide eyes. " oh, well then let's get her back" Jorge told me standing up and opening the door and smiling. I stood up and walked out wiping my tears. I walked to the woodchuck cabin and knocked on the door, and Makenzie opened it "hey Griffy, Jiffy" I ignored her and walked in, to find no one was in there. "hey, what are you doing" she said I turned to her "im getting y/n back" I said to her and I could see the hate in her eyes "what is wrong with me that you don't have feelings for" she told me taking a step forward, I grunted "look, I don't like you like that kenz, I know we're best friends but i-, ugh, I just...I LOVE Y/N, look I'm sorry, but it's for the better good, she means so much to me that I would cry my heart off if she even died, I wouldn't be happy until I die, but.....we can still be fr-" she interrupted by grabbing my face smashing her lips on mines.
I pushed her off "what the heck makenzie! ?!" She was on the urge of crying, she faking it,..she was jealous, she didn't like y/n one bit. "I-...I'm the one who loves you, not her-" I looked away from her "even if she dosnt love me...I still love her and I'm getting her back. I'm going to go find Zuri" I said harshly walking out.

Minutes later I found Zuri she was with Emma and Lou "hey, guys " he turned there heads to me, and looked mad "go away-" "im getting y/n back, but if you don't want to help me, I'll just go by myself" their eyes went wide and smiles plastered on their faces "were in" Lou said and I smiled widely "come on let's go" and we ran to the entrance were Jorge and Xander was at, I didn't see Ravi but we had enough.

An hour later we mad it to a camp they called Camp Champion. We walked in without permission and no on ewas in the camp, they must be at the spot,oh well, I'm here for y/n. We walked around until we heard noises "I'm going to to different camp" "you can't just leave , camp champion is your home now."  I know those voices . Y/n. "Guys, that might might be y/n" I whispered to them.
We walked over to the noise and spotted Eric grabbing onto y/n's wrist while she had her bag in her hand "let me go, no wonder I never liked you since I've heard of you" she tried to get out of his grasp. I got mad and Me Zuri Emma and Lou walked over to them "Hey let her go" Zuri said making him let go of her and she fell to the ground "and who said you camp peepeewaka kids could come here" he told us walking closer, I ignored him and stubble to y/n who was was on the ground. "Hey, y/n, a-are you okay" she nodded and I held my hand out for her to grab it, and she did. I pulled her up and she grabbed her bag "well, don't YOU ever come back here again miss grumpy face, that goes for all of you guys too" Eric was pointing at all of us "I wont" y/n told Eric harshly. We all turned around and started walking until y/n turned back around running up to Eric "y/n, what are you doing" Zuri said looking at her "oh, I forgot to do somethin" she said and ran up to him oh no, is she going back-? She dropped her bag and spun in the air bringing her leg up kicking Eric up the chin. "Ouch" Jorge said putting a hand over his mouth.
She ran back up to us with her bag and smiled "I'm ready now, let's go" we stated walking out, I then felt a hand in mines and looked down to see y/n's hand holding mine. I interwined our fingers and kept walking back to kikiwaka.
      I'm glad she came back.

Heyyyyyyyy, I told chu u where going to be back at camp kikiwaka. And Tiffany will be back too if you where wondering.
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