.::The Truth::.

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.::Y/n P.O.V::.

We arrived back at camp kikiwaka and I smiled softly. I remember I was holding Griff's hand and looked down to see that we still were holding eachothers hands. "We're home, and  your home, y/n" I heard Zuri say hugging me. I laughed and hugged her back.

I walked to the Grizzly cabin and took a deep breath putting my hand on the knob "go ahead, it's not going to hurt you" I hrd Griff behind me. "oh, staph it" I snickered. I twisted the knob walking in and smiled sitting my bag on my bed and twirl around in the middle of the cabin making my dresser twirl with me. Everyone should be at food hall by now but u wanted to get unpacked first. I grabbed my bag and saw a peice of paper on my bed I picked it up and opened it up reading it.
Dear y/n,
   I know we've been through rough times, and it was my fault that you left, and I am really sorry for that, I shouldnt have done that, I should have talked to you even though I was talking a lot with Makenzie, I never want to loose you again, even if you got kidnapped I would search the whole world to find you, you are the most important person in the world and I feel like this is the right time to tell you this even though I'm right behind you...I think, I just wanted to say that I love you. 
                 ~Griffy Piffy

My heart skipped a beat, Griff wrote this? I folded it back up and turned around to see Griff with pink cheeks "aw, Griff I'm sorry to say this but I don't love you."

Uh oh, what's gonna happen next, what do you think I'm sorry that this is SO short, comment down below, and vooooote (/030/)
Ily guys

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