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.::Y/n P.O.V::.

Its been two weeks and griff and Makenzie have been hangging out together, i just feel like an outcast to them. I woke up to hear a knock on the door "ugh, what" I looked around the cabin, no one was in there "ugh, whatt" I groaned and got out of my bed dragging myself to the door, I opened it to see Xander "Xander, why did you knock on the door, you could've just opened it" he smiled I know, anyways you go a letter, frooom, oh your mom" I smiled and took it from him "thanks" he nodded and walked away. I closed the door and sat back down kn my bed opening the envelope, oh in english, well that's weird, but oh well.
Hey y/n it's okay, if you want to leave camp, I put you up for a camp called Camp Champion, it sounds good so I'm guessing you can go there, it's your choice if you want to, I'm guessing that boy wasn't good for you if he's letting the new girl do what she's doing, but I'm so glad that you are having fun there, I'll see you soon!

smiled while reading the letter, "yes!" I punched my fist up in the air.
I folded the letter and went to the bathroom putting on my clothes.
^image above^
I walked out and folded my clothes putting them in my bag. I sighed, I'm guessing today is the last day I get to hang out with my friends, then go to camp champion.

I opened the door and skipped to the woodchuck cabin.
I knocked on the door and Lou opened it "Heya y/n, well you look pretty today" I smiled "well, thank you" she scooted over and I walked in "Hey y/n, you look amazing" Emma said, I thanked her and looked to the side to see makenzie wasn't there I walked to Zuri "Heya Zer" she smiled and hugged me "hey y/n, are you ready to have some fun today" I slightly smiled "ya, I guess" her smiled faded "what's wrong, you don't sound very happy, like you always do" I shrugged "uh, no, ugh, i just Griff has been hanging around with Makenzie, and hasn't been spending any time with me, it just makes me feel like, im nothing" "oh y/n it's okay" Lou said walking up to me, Emma nodded and frowned "well let's get going, your day will get better, i promise " Zuri said, she stood up and dragged me out of the door.
Timeskip: In the middle of the day
Me Lou Emma Zuri and.....Makenzie where sitting on the log, talking about random things that came to mind until we heard Gladys crying running out of her cabin "hey Gladys what's wrong" she blower her nose into the tissue she was holding "I just got dumped again" she cried again "oh, I feel so bad for you" I said looking at makenzie "everything will be fine" she nodded "is knee you where always my favorite camper....what ever your name is" and walked away, j laughed and turned back around "hey guys, hey makenzie" I heard, and saw Griff walking up to us with Ravi and Jorge with him "oh, hey" makenzie put on a smile....A fake one. I looked at Ravi and he smiled at me "hey y/n" I waved at him and smiled. He sat beside me and smiled...again.
Everyone was talking about random things again until Gladys came over and handed me my phone "ill, miss you, uh..y/n" and she walked off. Next thing everyone's eyes where glued on me "what dose she mean by, she'll miss you" Jorge said looking at me "uh-" "are you dying" Ravi butted in. I shook my head no and my phone viberated, my mom was calling me "hello" I picked it up "hey honey are you ready" I nodded "yep, I am" I looked and saw Zuri staring at me with worry "okay, I'm here to pick you up, and drop you off at camp champion" I made a weird face "but it's not that far" I looked and saw Griff with a sad expression on his face. "Well, still dropping you off mkay" I smiled "kay" and I hung up.

I stood up and turned around, I knew they where all staring at me so I just stayed turned around with my back facing them. I sighed and turned back around "okay, uhm, I....I'll be right back" I said stepping back bumping into some one, I turned and saw Xander "hey y/n whats up" I pointed to the sky and started walking away fast.
I opened the Grizzly cabin door and put everything else I had in there. My notebook, my pencils, my shoes, etc.
I was done packing and stood up sighing. I grabbed my bag and put it on my shoulder walking up to the door putting my hand on the knob. Before I opened it, I took one more good look at the cabin before opening it, and Hazel, Lydia, Zuri, Xander, Emma, Lou, Marsh, Ravi, Jorge, Griff, and makenzie where standing right infront of the cabin, what are the weasles doing here, and why is everyone standing infront of the cabin door "uh, hi there" I waved slightly "why, do you have your bag" Lou said pointing at my bag on my shoulder "oh, uhh, nothing" I said swiftly. Zuri walked up to me with her arms to her side "what are you doing" shrugged my shoulders "nothing" I got annoyed and squeezed through the group walking away.
I was so close to the entrance before a hand grabbed my shoulder, and spun me around.

.::Griff P.O.V::.

I didn't know what was going on. Until she squeezed through the group and walked off. Everyone turned around to look at me and Makenzie. Zuri had a mad face on looked at me, as everyone looked at me too "what, what did I do" I said and Zuri walked up to me "you know what you did" "what, hanging out with Makenzie not even talking to her and now she's getting sad, and feeling left out and lonely, is what your not thinking, right now, how stupid can you be?!?!" Lou yelled at me. My heart rate picked up, is that why she's not talking to me?? I looked to her direction and ran.

She was so close to the entrance but I stopped her, I put my hand on her shoulder and spun her around "ah, Griff what are you doin, shouldn't you be with Makenzie" she had tears in her eyes "no,.....no...I should be with you" she shook her head "no you shouldnt be with me Griff, I'm leaving, you should have more fun with her than me, I know you like her, so why don't you just date her already, she's allgoogly eyes and lovey dovey on you anyways, just,...gah, I don't know" she turned back around and walked out without even looking back.

.::Zuri P.O.V::.

"I'm good at this" Lou said. I looked at her "oh, ya well how good" she crossed her arms "good enough." I laughed "are you sure bout that" she looked at me "what do you mean" I pointed to Griff walking back up to us.

.::Y/n P.O.V ::.

I just walked out on everyone, I just left them. I guess they're having a 'yay she's gone party' but I don't care anymore, I'm going to a new camp, a camp I'm guessing can be actually pretty awesome.

Hayyyy, ya ya......I'm not sad actually, but don't worry you'll be back, just you wait.
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