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.::Griff P.O.V::.

"You have to..." we waited for Eric to finish his sentence. But nothing came out.
Zuri being impatient she sneaked up more and gasped snatching back and looked at me. "What?" I asked her "it's bad really bad" she answered "what do you mean bad" I asked her "I'm sorry Griff you have to see for yourself.
I sighed and creeped over a bit just to find y/n and Eric kissing!? Why? How, she hates him.
I turned around and started walking away as tears swelled up in my eyes. I pulled my beanie off and walked back to the camp with Jorge and the others behind me, except for Zuri.

.::Your P.O.V::.

As Eric pressed his lips against mines I felt nothing but 'why me?' I pushed him back "WHAT is wrong with you!?" He snickered "your eyes were still opened, why?" He asked me. I scoffed and slapped him "Because it's not meant to be, hah, Eric I'm already in love with some one" he rolled his eyes while crossing his arms "someone who's gentle someone who treats me amazingly and doesn't hurt me, who treats me like a queen, when I'm sad he makes me happy, I would literally jump in a lake if it ended, he's my everything, my...my- my love...my shooting star I love him Eric you don't understand" I shook my head a bit and ran off to the cabin I stayed in.

I ran into my closet and grabbed my bag stuffing all of my clothes and things inside of it. I stepped out of my caving and looked around to see no one there, letting out a hush of sighs I ran out of the entrance to the camp and took the shortcut to camp kikiwaka.

I stopped in front of grizzly cabin and slowly put my hand on the knob twisting it and opened it and walking in. Just to find Xander Jorge And Ravi sitting beside griff on his bed "dude it's okay, she's probably not the one for you" Xander said placing his hand on his shoulder "yea, if you knew that she would-" I interrupted Jorge before he finished his sentence "would what!?" I said plopping my bag down by the door "o-oh heyyy y/n" Jorge said slow long standing up "y/n..... h-..how could you" Griff turned to look at me "could I what" "C-Could you Kiss Eric, right in front of me!!, when I was getting you back from that camp.....you kissed him" my heart pounded "it's not what you think it wasn't my f-" he finished my sentence off "fault? It wasn't your fault!? Y/n I watched you!! You didn't stop him!" I flinched at his sudden outburst. Griff never yelled at me "no, please Gr-" "please, leave.....just leave please" my mouth opened but Xander spoke out "mabey you should leave y/n, just give him some time" I let my tears fall out of my eyes and ran out of the door out to the lake.

.::Zuri P.O.V::.

I got it!! I took my phone out and recorded the whole outburst y/n gave Eric. I smiled and ran back to camp and ran into the Grizzly cabin. I bursted through the door and looked at Griff sitting on his bed crying "Hey Griff" I slowly walked up to him "hey Zuri" he looked at me "I know y/n wouldn't do this to you, because I know her, I know she wouldn't hurt you like that Griff you have to believe me" he sniffles and looked at me "how can I believe you?" I pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned it on "mabey you can believe me then" I showed him the video of y/n slapping Eric all the way to her running off.

After the video ended Griff didn't say a word. He just looked at me and jumped up running out of the cabin and to wherever.

.::Griff P.O.V::.

I ran out of the cabin and down the path to look for y/n, did she really mean everything she said.
Even...jumping into a-....a lake!!!
I turned and ran twoards the lake stopping to see y/n standing at the docks taking a few steps closer. She took one more step before I yelled her name "y/n.. a-.. wait" she jumped causing her to slip and fall into the lake. I panicked and ran into the dock jumping in. Feeling her arm I grabbed it and pulled her out laying her on the dock.
She was breathing, but I knew she still had water in her lungs. I pinched her nose closed and placed my lips on her blowing air into her. As I did my last blow she coughed and sat up and coughed up water. "Y/n, heh, you really did mean it when you said you would jump in a lake" I smiled at her "as long as It showed you how much I love you" I smiled as she did.

She placed her hand on the side of my face and pressed her lips on mines. She pulled apart and I picked her up and carried her back to the cabin.
I plopped her down in the bathroom and put her bag in there "here change and I'll be in bed, when I'm dressed too" she nodded as I closed to door, but she stopped me "no,stop, leave a crack....please, I feel like you're gonna disappear" I smiled as a blush crept up on my face. Leaving a crack through the door I walked over to my bag and changed into my pajamas also.

She walked out as I was sitting on the edge of her bed "Griff?" She said my name. I turned my head to meet with her eyes. I scooted backwards "are you tired?" I asked her, and she nodded.
I got under her blankets and held my arms out towards her. She walked up to me and fell in my arms "I'm glad you didn't disappear" she said as her head layed on my chest, I pulled the covers over her and wrapped my arms around her.

As we were about to doze off y/n spoke quietly "Griff?" "Yea?" I answered "how did you know I would jump in a lake?" I blushed and squeezed her tight "well, talk in the morning." She nodded and kissed my cheek softly "ok."

HAYOOOOO I hope you enjoyed this one, it's longer and I think sadder idk, but I hope you. Enjoyed it. And I'm SOO SO sorry for not updating in a very long time so here I am repaying you, I'll make another chapter tomorrow, love you guys ❤️

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