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.::Griff P.O.V::.

I woke up to hear soft snores coming from beside me. I looked up and saw y/n sound asleep, she looked so beautiful when she was asleep, but she was more beautiful when she's awake, then I can see her beautiful y/e/c eyes.

I looked down and saw my arms wrapped around her waist and I looked down at our legs, and they where tangled , I looked at the window and saw  that it was still dark, it was like 3:00 in the morning. I unwrapped my arms from around her waist and gently shook her lightly " hey, y/n wake up" I whispered " n-...no, please" she whined, I was confused "stay away, please, leave me alone" at the moment, she started shaking. I sat up and untangled our legs, and grabbed her shoulders examining her face, she was sweating, not much but I could see it. 
I shook her and she was breathing hard, I shook her one more time and she jumped sitting up.
She looked at me and a tear came out of her eye "you,....you..didn't. help..me" she said "I'm sorry, I'm here now, it was just a dream" she nodded and hugged me, tightly, I hugged back and we stayed there for a few minutes.
"I had a dream, that..I was sitting there,and i-i was screaming for help, but no one came, you where standing there, just laughing,  you didn't care" I felt her shake in terror. She tightened her gripp and started crying "shh, I do care, I'm right here, I won't hurt you ever" she calmed down a bit and untightened her gripp.

The dance is tomorrow, Mabey I can ask her to brighten the mood "hey y/n?" She sniffed and looked up at me "yes, Griff" I took a deep breath and spoke to her."would you, uh...like to be my date, to the...dance" I got ready for a 'no', but instead her eyes widened a bit and she smiled "yes, I would love to" I smiled and she layed her head on my chest "aww, I wish I could have a relationship like that" we heard a voice behind us, and I turned around "Jorge, what are you doing up" I said "oh, uh, I woke up because I heard whispers and cries, and know I know who was crying and whispering" I nodded, and he got up and walked to the bathroom.

Jorge got out of the bathroom and jumped back on his bed opening up a book and putting his nose in it.
Y/n got up and grabbed some clothes walking in the bathroom.

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

I walked out the bathroom wearing the clothes I picked up out of my bag.
               ^image above^
I sat my pj's on my bed and walked up to Griff "ugh, my head hurts" I said putting my hand on my head "oh uh, come here" he said and I stepped over to him.
He put both of his hands on the sides of my head and put his lips on my forehead. "Is it better now?" I nodded with a blush "come on let's go" he said grabbing my hand pulling me out the cabin.
Timeskip : your with Emma and them, and Griff's with Xander and them.
I was walking with Emma Lou and Zuri, I didn't know where Tiffany was she probably was sick I guess.
"Hey, where is Tiffany I'm not seeing her very often" Zuri looked at me "oh, her mom, uh, she's not here anymore she's at a diffrent camp" I made a 'oh, I'm sad' face even though I was sad, she was funny. "Aww, she was funny" I said Zuri punched my arm lightly "don't worry, she'll be back, and we know it" I nodded and I started blushing uncontrollably "hey champ, why are you blushing so much" I heard Lou say. I immediately looked away blushing harder. "Aww, someone's in looove" Emma said putting up the heart signs. I giggled and decided to change the subject "so, dose anybody have a date for the dance tomorrow" I asked fastly "yes, duh, Xander" Emma said making the obviously face. "Yep, I have Marsh" I smiled "duh" we laughed "nope, I'm a lone woodchuck" Lou said I nodded and kept quiet. "Come on, tell us who's your date" Emma said. I shook my head and looked down "I don't have a date" I said obviously lying "yes you do, and we all know, so who is it hm?" Zuri said smirking ag me "ugh, fine its Griff" Emma squealed "OMG, I knew it" she jumped up and down.

Hey guys I know this isn't much but I just couldn't wait until next chapter, because I got a suggestion and I'm going to write part of it in there, I hope you enjoyed, even though you didn't
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