.::New Kid...Again::.

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.::Y/n P.O.V::.

I woke up feeling like I could run around the whole camp. I don't know why, but I was so exited for nothing. I looked around the cabin and saw only Griff and I where the only ones.
I jumped out of my bed and grabbed some clothes and ran into the bathroom putting it on.
                  ^image above^
I walked out and folded my clothes and sat them on my bed and skipped over to Griff. "Griffffff, wake uuuup" I said whispering trying not to laugh "ngh, 20...no,40, more minutes" I sighed and got on top of the bed and started jumping "woh,...ah" I heard him yell and fall off of the bed. " okay, I'm up!" I luaghed and got off of the bed "Hurry up I'll be out side waiting for you" he nodded and started walking to the bathroom, but I ran up to him and turned him around "oh I forgot" "forgot wha-" I kissed him on the nose.

He looked down to the floor and I said "I know it was you" and skipped out the door.

.::Griff P.O.V::.

She kissed me on the nose "I know it was you" and she walked out the door. I just stood there looking down on the floor, with my face a bright red. Wow how did she know, was she awake when I did it,?

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

I skipped over to the woodchuck cabin and knocked on the door. It opened up to show Tiffany opened it "hey, y/n come in" I nodded and walked in "Hey Zuri, I hope your not mad about whatever happened before, I was just zoningout, from people" she looked up at me and got off of her bed and walked up to me hugging me "its okay, just don't do it next time, cause I'll be sad, like really sad" she laughed and I nodded my head "okay, u won't ever ignore you again" she hugged me again and whispered in my ear "someone likes you" my heart pounced a bit, "who, I'll tell you sometime, unless he tells you first" I blushed a bit "okay, then" she turned me around and pushed me out the door "I have to get dressed, I'm not kicking you out" I nodded and hugged her before I waved he bye.

I walked around, it seems like Hazel and the weasles are still asleep. And all the other campers are somewhat asleep, some are outside. I started walking into the forest, until I bumped into someone and fell back. "O-ouch that hurt" I said "oh, that's my bad, here let me help you up" I heard heard a voice say infront of me,  I saw a hand go down and I politely grabbed it and it pulled me up. "Thanks" I said wiping the dirt off of my butt. I looked up to see a dark skin toned boy with black hair and dark brown eyes "Um, hi have I seem you around here" I shook my head no "I wasn't ever here last summer, so I came here with my best friend, my names y/n, aaand I'm from Russia" he nodded and smiled "I'm, Marsh, I came here last summer, but these weird kids thought I was an alien, so i left to a diffrent camp, but now I'm here again, and I like your accent, it's pretty cool" I laughed "thanks, I get that all the time" we shared a laugh. "Mabey we can talk about eachother a lot more, unless, your a stranger" I made a weird karate pose when I said 'your a Stranger' he laughed and put his hands up in defeat "no, I'm not a stranger" he snickered "come on" I grabbed his hand and pulled him out walking to the cabins.

We arrived at the Grizzly cabin and I opened it to find no one was in there "come in" I said pulling him in "I'm the only girl in here so it's weird" he laughed "yep, I see how you feel" we shared a laugh together.

Time passed by and it was bout the time for food, but me and Marsh just kept talking and saying old jokes and our family and stuff.

.::Griff P.O.V::.

Mr Zuri Ravi and Tiffany walked inside of the food hall.

We grabbed our plates and headed to the table. I noticed that I haven't seen y/n this whole time "hey, guys have any of you seen y/n around" they all shook their heads no "why do you ask" I heard Tiffany say "because she said she was going to wait for me outside when I was done getting ready for the day, but when I stepped out she wasn't there" their eyebrows went up and they looked at echo ther "well uh, you'll find her when we're done" Zuri said, and I nodded.

Food hall ended and I walked off with Ravi Jorge And Xander to our cabins.
We stopped at the door when we heard laughing and playing "and then she touched his shoulder, and he screamed like there was no tomorrow, and I just st-" we opened the door and I saw y/n and another boy sitting right beside her.

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

I was telling Marsh about the time me and my brother was watching a scary movie, but I was interrupted by the door opening and Ravi Xander Griff and Jorge walked in "oh, hey guys " I waved at them, then I looked at Jorge "hey, jor...ge" I started at him, Marsh told me everything about what happened with Jorge and Tiffany thinking he was a alien.  "Uh, I gotta go to the bathroom" Jorge spoke and ran to the bathroom closing the door. "Hey well I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow" he said and we did our own handshake we make together, and he walked out. "Who was that" Ravi asked "oh, him, that's my new friend Marsh, he came here last summer but Jorge and Tiffany drove I'm away to cooking camp. I said looking at Griff, he looked like he was.......jealous. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

And hour later everyone was in their pajamas and in bed asleep, except for me of course. I was sitting on my bed with my legs criss crossed and my elbow laying on it with my head in my hand. "Can't sleep" I hear Griff say. I turned my head and saw Griff sitting up on his bed looking straight at me "nuh uh" I said sighing and falling back with my head on the pillow. I looked back at him and scooted over patting the space beside me. He got up and walked over to me sitting down beside me where the space was "I can't sleep, but I'm tired" I yawned "who was that" I heard him say out of the blue "who was who" he looked down "who was Marsh" my eyes widened "oh, marsh, I told you, he's only my friend we met today, and he seems to be cool,...but not cooler than anyone else I know" I smiled, he held his head up " do you want to sleep now" he nodded and got up out of the bed but I put my hand on his hand and he turned back around  "don't leave me alone, stay right here" I said, he looked away for a second but looked back at me smiling and laying right beside me "will this aka you fall asleep faster?" I nodded and started feeling tired and I slowly closed my eyes falling asleep.

Hai,........I'm going to sleep now
Ily guys

published this at 3:09 AM in the morning, goodnight my peeps 😴❤👋

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