.::Barn Duty::.

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This is going to be based off of the actual episode, but I'm going to change it up a bit.

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

I woke up, and I tried to get up but I got pulled down. Something was grabbing my waist. I looked down and saw Griff, sound asleep I looked around and I'm so glad no one was awake, because this would be SO embarrassing.
I bent down and grabbed my watch I had in my bag and looked at it "1:00 PM" I whispered and sighed falling back down with my head on the pillow. "Hey, wake up" I turned and poked Griff's nose. He flinched but didn't wake up, I poked his lip, but his hand came up and grabbed mines holding onto it. I slid my hand out of his and put it on the side of his face,moving his hair out of the way "Griff, wake up" I whispered and I felt his breath on my lips, I blushed a bit and looked closely at him. "Griffffff" I said one more time and he slowly opened his eyes.

I smiled and he did too "goodmorning" he whispered "mornin" I said and sat up getting out of bed "wow, I woke up early" I said stretching "ya, you did" and and he stretched also " I'm getting dressed, wait for me" I said grabbing some clothes and walking in the bathroom.
I walked out with my outfit on.
^image above^
I put my pj's on my bed and I saw that Griff was dressed already "wow, fast dresser" he laughed "yep" I grabbed his arm and pushed him out of the cabin. "Come on let's wake up Lou and Emma" he smiled and nodded.
We ran but I bumped into someone,...falling on my butt again. "Ah, ouch" I said "oh, sorry, again" I heard a familiar voice "Marsh?" "Yep" I smiled "you nock me down again" I said standing up wiping my butt off. "Hey y/n are you okay?" I heard Griff say "uh, yeah, oh oh oh oh, Marsh I have to show you to someone,come on" I said grabbing his wrist pulling him and Griff infront of the woodchuck cabin "uh,..okayy?" I motioned for him to knock and he did.

The door opened and Zuri stood infront of the door rubbing her eye's "ugh, who woke me up at 4 in the morn- Marsh!?" I laughed "Zuri, look who I found, remember you told me about him and that you had a cru-" she put her hand over my mouth "shh, come here" she said pulling me away from Griff and Marsh. "How did he get here" she asked me "oh, I ran into him yesterday, when I was walking in the forest and he said he's going to stay here, now" her face grew with a smile ", the dance two days away Mabey I can ask him to go with me" she said jumping up and down "okay, okay, then ask him,...when you guys are alone, he said he was looking for you when he came back" I told her and she nodded running back up to him. And giving him a big hug, and he hugged back.
Timeskip: during the day
"Okay, woodchucks I have the best news to tell you" Lou said standing infront of me Zuri and Emma "its cell phone sunday, just text us" Zuri said looking back down at her phone. "Or we can be totally retro and talk with our mouths, so as of right now, we are officially on barn duty" she went on. Emma walked up and said "wait, this camp has a barn" she sounded suprised "yes right behind the camp bowling alley" Lou said pointing "there's a bowling alley?!?" Emma said again"Yes, right next to the arcade" Lou said again "we have GOT to get off the great land more " Zuri spoke, I just stood there since I'm not a woodchuck "well here's your chance, it's the woodchucks turn to tidy up the barn and take care of the animals" Lou said sounding happy as ever "adorable animals?, i am so in, back at home I had a zebra a giraffe and a pig,..if you count Luke" Zuri said standing up and Emma looked to the side, but she easy telling the truth, I rode the giraffe for some time, but it started liking Bertram "gee, I'd love to help tidy up, but I volenteered to do some charity work in town" Emma said "really, what charity" Lou said walking up to her "uh,...the...national foundation, for people who need charity" she backed up "as legit as that sounds...barn duty is manditory, besides it'll be good for you to get your hands dirty, time to step up" Lou spoke "I'd love to step up, I just don't want to step in anything nasty... 'I'm talking about poop" she wispered "yea i got that" she said and looked at me "hey y/n, do you have anything to do" I shook my head no "and she walked up to me "do you want to come to" I nodded and smiled "yes please" and she smiled and walked "come on then" she said and she grabbed Emma's arm dragging her with us.
Timeskip: to the Barn
We walked and stopped infront of a red barn, and I heard a chicken cluck "Welcome to the barn, my favorite place at camp! Sometimes when I'm homesick, I sleep here with the horses." Lou said standing infront of the doors "That explains why you come home with hay in your hair." Emma said sounding dumbfounded "Oh, no, that's a fashion choice. You don't like it?" Lou said "Um... Awkward." Zuri said, I heard a sheep blatant and I turned my head. "Aw, hey, look, it's a sheep! She's adorable." Zuri said and I ran to it with her "Yeah, that's Sheila." ME and Zuri pet it and felt it's soft fur "Oh, she really likes you guys. But don't get distracted by that cute little cotton ball, we have a long list of chores to do." Lou said sounding exited "Oh, no! I just remembered I left the oven on in our cabin. My pie will burn." Emma said slowly walking backwards "Oh, please, you've never even eaten pie, much less made one." Lou said looking at Emma "Should have gone with diarrhea." She said "No one ever asks follow-up questions." I heard Emma say "While you guys finish this list, I'm gonna build a new pig trough." Lou said walking out, but walked back in "If you hear me screaming, don't worry. It's just my process." And she walked back out, I turned and saw Emma walking up to us "Zuri, I order you to do these chores." Zuri turned to her and made a 'why' face "Why should I listen to you?" She said "Because I'm a CIT. Counselor In Training." She said "Well, it's not gonna happen, because I'm a CWS. Camper With Sass." I snickered at her comment "Okay, I've never read the camp manual, but I'm pretty sure that's not a real position." Emma said pointing a finger up "I don't have time to do any chores, I have a sheep to snuggle." Zuri said turning back to Sheila "Well, I'm not cleaning up. It's a pig sty in here." I heard a pig oink and turned to it. "Oh, now I get it." She said "Wait, you know what? I think I have an idea to get us out of barn duty." I heard a scream and it was Lou "I love this hammer!" Emma looked back "Can't she just whistle while she works, like everybody else?" She said looking at me, I shrugged my shoulders for 'I don't know'.

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