.::New Camp::.

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Y/n walked up to the black car and opened the door "hey mom" her mother looked at her "Hey honey, are you ready to go" y/n nodded and sat her bag in the back seat and got in the front "okay, we can go" she told her mother and she nodded driving off.

.::Griff P.O.V::.

I walked back up to them and they glared at me "WHAT?!?" I yelled and they jumped. I'm so stupid, thinking that she was okay, thinking that she would be fine, but she wasnt,I never even talked to her when I met Makenzie. I ran off, into the forest, I just kept running. I'm going to get y/n, back even if I cause trouble, or if I get in trouble, I don't care.

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

We stopped infront of a camp, and a board that said 'Welcome to Camp Champion' I liked the front of it, but will I like what's on the inside of the camp "thank you mom, I love you" she smiled "I love you too" I got out and grabbed my bag closing the door "bye!" "Bye!" And she drove off into the distance.
I sighed and stepped into the camp "oh, look, it's the new camper" I heard from beside me "hm?" I said looking over to see a boy taller than me and had dirty blonde brownish hair, and had brown eyes, "uh, hello?" I said akwardly waving at him "and, you must be the new girl....coming from camp peepeewaka" he laughed. I got annoyed but kept calm "uh, yes, I guess so" he looked down at me since I was smaller than him "welcome to camp champion then, what's your name" I looked down then back up at him "y/n, y/n l/n, I'm from Russia, I have a British accent and I can speak russian, if you want to hurt me go ahead but just for a reminder I have been tough to do many things,..that you don't want to see me do," his eyes went wide and he had a smirk on his smuged face "well then I'm E-" I interrupted him "your Eric your very arrogant and self obsessed. You think that Camp Champion is the best, and is rude to all campers from rival camps. It was mentioned that in the previous year, you and the rest of Camp Champion once put mud in Camp Kikiwaka's meatloaf. Your about 5' 10 for seeing that and you are quite muscular but I'm not falling for that. You have brown eyes and dirty blonde hair from seeing you just now. And Lou and Hazel find you dreamy. But just seeing you right now, nah I'm not feeling it much, you had a battle between kikiwaka, aaand you lost, and ya, how do I know this, because Emma Luke Zuri Ravi Jorge Xander Hazel and Lou told me all about you, and not to run into you, so BYE!" I told him everything and walked off leaving him speechless.

An hour into camp champion and it already was boring, I do already miss camp kikiwaka, but I have to get over that camp, I have no good memories about that exept for the.....kiss. I looked around to see if I can speak speak to anyone but no one seems quite nice to talk to "hey, sweetcheeks, why are you all alone by yourself" I heard that annoying voice from behind me, I sighed and turned around "hi Eric, what do you want" he laughed "I want you" I made a 'wtf' face and stared at him "WOAH, okayyy, hold up there buddy, we just met today, and you don't know everything about me" I yelled at him he laughed "then let's get to know each other more,......can we?" I sighed and shrugged "fine, I guess we can" he smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me to a boat, "uh, what's this" he looked at me "were going to get to know more about eachother by going on a boat ride, on the lake" I guess. "Okay" ge got on the kanou and held his hand out to me. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me in with him "okay, let's get to know eachother more" I said putting my head on my hand.

Hours passed and knew about eachother more often.
We walked back to the camp and I took a glance at Eric before looking back ahead. Something was up about him. We decided to go on a walk together later. 

We where passing trees and twigs still walking. We stopped in a area I haven't seen before. "This is what we call the spot, remember, camp peepeewaka challenged us for it, and like you said we lost but we still come here when they're not here-" "well, we're here" I heard a sound and looked to see Xander Griff Jorge Ravi and "Luke!?" He smiled at me "hey y/n" I frowned, seeing Griff look at me "Hey...y/n"  I slightly waved "well, well, well, if it isn't the campers of camp peepeewaka" "its kikiwaka, not pepewaka" Xander stood up, "well to b-" "Eric, stop let's go" I said interrupting him "what n-" "I said Let's GO" I interrupted him again. "I don't want to be here....anymore" I said quietly "fine" he said as I turned around. I felt an arm around around my shoulder and turned to to see Eric "get it off" he shook his head and I sighed. We started walking away, I took one more look behind me and saw them staring at me with sadness. I turned back around and grabbed Eric's arm putting it off of me, but   he put it back on me "ugh, I give up" I said and kept walking with him back to camp champion.

Yep, you just did that, I hope you enjoyed, pls vote and comment
Ily guys

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