.::Meeting Them::.

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.::Y/n P.O.V::.

"Who's that?" I asked she looked up and sat the paper down "I don't know who he or she is, but it's going to be in Grizzly cabin if as far as I know." I nodded as I understood. I think I forgot something my bag! I looked around until I spotted Zuri holding it "here you go" she said handing it to me "thanks Zer" she nodded and threw hers on her bed "well, y/n I'm going to show you to Grizzly cabin, Emma, Zuri Ti-, wait where's Tiffany" "oh she went to get her bag" Lou nodded and turned to me "you, okay now lets go to the Grizzly cabin. Xander is the head counselor so you have to listen to him" I nodded in understandment and she grabbed my hand and pulled me out "ill, be back guys" Zuri yelled 'bye' And Emma waved.

Lou pulled me infront of the light blue cabin that had sticks on front of it saying GRIZZLY. "Hm they could do better" I thought to myself. My thoughts were interrupted while Lou banging her fist on the door screaming "LET ME IN!!!,...LET ME IN!!" then the door opened to see a boy about Emma's age and had dirty brown hair and brown eyes "what, what's wrong did something catch on fire, did someone eat poison oak,tell me woman, TELL ME" he yelled. Lou laughed "no silly, you have a new cabin buddy" she said pointing to me, he looked at me and smiled "Oh welcome to Grizzly cabin, I'm Xander and I am the head councilor of kikiwaka and you are?" I looked at him again "my name is y/n, it's nice to me you.." I smiled at him his eyes widened "well you do have a pretty cool accent" he said looked down and picked up my bag and he moved motioning for me to come in I smiled and walked in I turned around and saw Lou mouth "good luck" I playfully rolled my eyes and waved.

Xander closed the door and walked over to his bed sitting on it. "you can pick a bed it doesn't matter they're both the same and they're by eachother so, yea" I shrugged and sat on the one by the wall.

I opened my bag and sat a picture of me my mom and my dad on the desk right beside the bed. "Oh what's this" I heard A voice from behind me say. I turned and saw Xander looking at the picture "w-want how did you.......uh" he smiled "I have my ways" I smiled and turned back to the picture my smile disappearing"is that your mom and dad?" he asked me looking at it. I nodded keeping my eyes on it "my dad isn't with us anymore,....he died of lung cancer and a tumor in his head" I said criss crossing my legs and putting my arm on it, putting my head on my hand "oh, um sorry I asked" he said "no, it's okay, I'm over it, all I know is that he's up there in heaven watching over me" I smiled closing my eyes. I felt a hug from behind me and Xander hugged me I smiled and kept looking at the image.

The door opened and I saw Ravi with mrs. Kipling "oh, I thought that was for a crazy kid" I said looking at Ravi putting her in the cage "that's what I thought when I first saw it" Xander said "ugh, I feel that mrs. Kipling's feelings are hurt." ME and Xander laughed.
Then the door slammed open for me finding a boy with curly had and glases, plus...A little chubby "hey, Jorge you can't just barge up in here like that" Ravi said "oops, now time for me to unpack" he took his bag and dumped his clothes on the bed spreading them around "uuuuh, o....kayyy" I said. The kid named Jorge stopped spreading the clothes around and looked at me "is this the new cabin buddy, because she is SMOKIN" I blushed at the sudden outburst and put my head down "yes, and no, we still have one more person coming" Xander said "Oh please be a girl I don't want to be the only girl" I said looking at Xander "and you have a pretty accent, we're are you from?" Jorge asked me I looked at him "yea, I'm from Russia and I have a whole accent" I spoke to him he made an 'ooooh' face and nodded.

A few minutes everyone was talking but me, I was drawing what I wanted to and we heard a knock on the door "that must be the new kid" Xander said. I didn't look up, I just kept drawing. "Don't worry I got this" I heard metal click together, "Hey you forgot your wallet, you should take another picture" the kid said I finished the outgoing touches of my picture and grabbed my colored pencils and opened them up. "Ok, um ready for my pat down" "Griff, we don't give pat downs here" I heard Xander say.
So his name Is griff, huh? I said. I didn't notice.
Seconds later Bird Set Free popped up in my head and i immediately started to dig it. "~No I don't care if I sing off key I found myself in my melodies I sing for love I sing for me I shout it out like a bird set free" I hummed and spoke. I heard silence hit the room and I looked up to see the boys looking at me "what?" I asked "uh, nothing...anyways, this is Griff he's a juvenile delinquent, he's going to stay here for the summer" I nodded "oh, and Griff, this is y/n, she is from Russia, and she has an amazing British accent" I blushed again. "T-thanks" I said and kept coloring "oh, ok, cool, I like her voice."

Hello my friends, I know you may be spotting some mispelled words, and if you do comment if you found any, Ilyg


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