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It passed the night when Griff said you guys where officialy dating. You felt like you actually belonged to someone for once, instead of being cheated on, or called ugly.

T'was morning, and you where awoke up, by a light tap on you shoulder. You sat up up and looked to the side to see Griff poking your shoulder with a little grin "hmhmh, goodmorning Griff" you laughed and stepped out of the bed "get dressed the whole camp has something to do, and your the only one who was still asleep" he told you sitting on the edge of your bed "oh, I'm sorry, I never got much sleep in camp champion because they would usually wake me up at 4 in the morning just so we could go running or exercise" you said yawning "its, okay, see we let you wake up when you wake up, but I'm sorry, we had to this time" he sounded dissapointed, you sighed and smiled opening your bag taking out an outfit and walking into the bathroom.

You walked out in your clothes ^image above^

You saw Griff sitting on Xander's bed looking at something of his "okay, I'm ready" he looked up at you and your clothes, and his mouth widened and he looked pushed back for a bit but stood up and grabbed your hand walking you guys to the door to head outside. He opened the door a bit but you stopped him and kissed him. He kissed back and the kiss ended as you two headed out to the big group of campers "okay, campers, we are having a fishing battle, you get into two partners and you have to fish for the biggest fis, while your doing that I'm going to be crying my eyes out, Grab ya partners and get to fishing!!."

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

Everybody was getting into pairs, I had no one...that is until I felt someone grab my hand. I turned to see Griff looking at me "do you want to be my partner" I giggled "well, I thought you'd never ask" he smiled and we started walking towards the canoe and he stepped in, holding my hand with him.
We got in and we started to pedal into the lake.

We started putting the bait onto the hook and threw it into the water.

We waited and waited, so I started talking "hey..... Griff" he turned to me "yea," "have, ..you ever had..that feeling that you...like..uhm...nevermind" I tried to tell him what I actually felt but I couldn't work it out "come, on, y/n you can tell me anything," he put his hand ontop of mines " i-..i cant...im not really good at describing my feelings, and tell people what I'm thinking of, it's just........hard" I slipped my hand from under his and balled it into a fist sitting it in my lap ",no y/n, that's not going to happen, you can tell me, if I'm going to be your boyfriend, then your going to have to tell me, so I can make it better for you, and to help you" he spoke softly, he made more since, than my mums cooked lobster. I sighed and he grabbed my hand again intertwining our fingers together. " have you ever had the feeling that you've been used and...that you don't belong on this world,..to where you want to die, cause no one likes you and your just being used, and then next thing you know you get bullied, because your diffrent from everyone, that you have an accent, and that you came from a place that the popular girl in the school hates, so she spreads rumors about you, just so you can get bullied" I whimpered every time a word came out of my mouth "and that you can't even walk in the school to where you get tripped or get papers thrown at you , and that at lunch you get your face smashed in your face and that you can't even smile for a day th-" I got interrupted by Griff hugging me tightly. "G-Griff?" He looked up at me and I saw that I was crying too. I turned my face fast and wiped them away "its okay, don't worry, if anyone ever hurts you, I'm gonna have to give them a wedgie and throw them in the dump so they can be hurt" I giggled and nodded "okay-" "because I love you" my heart raced and I smiled wider than ever "I love you too, Griff" that's when I felt a tugg on the fishing pole and I..................

I am the sorries that I haven't been publishing daily since I'm doing other stories, but don't worry I will keep an eye on this one,
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