.::New Start::.

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.::Griff P.O.V::.

hat?, "w-what, do you mean" she walked up to me and grabbed my hand putting the paper in it. She then sighed looking back at me she smiled and closed her eyes "i....I don't love you griff, I'm in love with you." My heart skipped a beat, and she wrapped her arms around me, I jumped a bit but hugged back, she lifted up her head and put her hand on my cheek pressing her lips onto mines. I kissed back but it lasted long to where we had to take a breath.

We smiled at eachother and walked out to the food hall, we spotted Zuri Lou Emma and makenzie from afair, we started walking towards them.

We stopped and sat down, I sat by y/n, and she sat by Zuri "well, hello you two, where have ya been" Zuri looked at me and y/n with a grin "u-uh, we've been in the cabin, I was helping her unpack" I was a bright red, "mmhm, yea suuuuurrre" she responded smirking at us. I spotted Makenzie staring blood shot at y/n.

Food hall ended and y/n grabbed my hand pulling us away, but not to the Cabin.

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

I wanted to ask Griff if we where official dating so I dragged him to the docks instead of the cabin, "h-hey y/n where are we going" I turned to him and pulled him to the docks, " I wanted to ask a question" he sat down by me and shook his head, "go ahead" I took a deep breath and looked him straight into his eyes. "Okay,..uh, are we officially dating?" He looked away into the water and smiled "yes" he grabbed my cheek and pressed his lips onto mines this time. I felt free.

Hallo, sorry I haven't been updating for the past two days, I had other stories to work on, also my ST preferences and imagines book, a new book, anywayyyyyys, I hope you enjoyed sorry that it so short, vote and comment if there should be a fight with Makenzie or Griff comment M or G
Ily guys

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