.::The Moments Together::.

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.::Y/n P.O.V ::.

I felt a tugg on the fishing pole and I tugged it back "we may have caught a fish, I'll help you" Griff scooted up to me and held the rod with me. We tugged back again but I'm guessing the thing that was in the water was a giant, because it pulled back and me and Griff fell into the water.

We were still holding on to the rod, Griff grabbed my hand and swam back up pulling it back on the canoe "look, it's up here" Griff sounded suprised, and I looked up seeing a huge fish in the canoe "Oh my gosh it's a huge one!" (I'm trying not to make this sentence sound dirty) we got back on the canoe and swam back to the docks.
The challenge was over and all of the kids where standing and there was a small fish medium fish a big fish, and a huge fish, which was mines and Griff's.
"And the winners are y/n, and Griff. Hooray!" Gladys yelled and took out her camera "okay, time to take a picture, get together" she said Zuri whispered in my ear "yea y/n...get together." I blushed

The picture was pretty good, it was food hall now and everyone was in they're seat. "Okay, I know we caught the fish, but if Murphy fixed it, I'm not eating it " I said sounding descusted "haha, well jokes on you, I brought cake fillings" Emma said handing everyone a filling, except for Makenzie "oh, I'm sorry, I don't have enough" she sounded sad and looked at makenzie. I sighed and stood up "hey where are you going" Griff said grabbing my hand "oh, I'm going in there to see what else there is to make us kids get sick" he nodded and let go of my hand.
I walked into the kitchen and saw Murphy with a ice cream machine "what the- what are you doing here y/n" I crossed my arms "I want ice cream and so dose my friends" he sighed and sat it down and plugged it in "okay, how many" I thought "uuuuhm, fine I guess I'll count makenzie, okay....that will be six" he nodded and started the machine up.

I walked back out with three cones of ice cream and Murphy with three also. We had to hide them so the other campers couldn't see. "I got you guys icecream" I said excitedly, they all smiled, but makenzie "I got everyone one, so don't worry if I forgot you" I smiled and handed Griff one Zuri one and Emma one, Murphy gave one to makenzie the other to Lou and me the last one "thank you murff" "no problamo, feel free to get some tomorrow, just don't tell the other campers because I don't have enough sugar" I nodded and sat back down by Griff.

"Wow, this is actually pretty good" Zuri said "yea, it dosnt taste like spoiled milk" Lou smiled licking the icecream again. I looked to my side and saw makenzie staring at Griff, a little jealousy lingered through me so so grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers "aww, that's so cute" Emma squealed. Griff blushed a bit and I giggled, I turned as Griff was about to lick the vanilla I pushed the bottom of the icecream against his nose "gah, y/n!?!?" He yelled while a huge smile plastered on his face "oh my gosh, Griff you have a white nose!" , Lou said laughing.
Food hall ended and I walked out of the hall with Griff hand in hand "heh, y'know, your very pretty when the moonlight shines on your face?" Griff spoke as we walked around "aw, thanks" I saw Xander walking to the Grizzly cabin and yelled his name "Xander!!!" He turned his head and smiled and ran towards me and Griff "yo, what's up " I smiled "can me and Griff walk around a bit more?" He nodded "sure, just be back  when the sun dosnt come up" I nodded and he ran off to the cabin.

I grabbed Griff's hand and we started walking together. "Y'know, being here with you makes me happy" Griff spoke up "and me being here with you makes me happy" I giggled.

We stopped, at the spot "I wanted to come back, since I'm here with you" I said, still holding hands Griff pulled us to the big rock and sat us both on it "I don't know what to say now, heh" I looked up at the stary sky "then, uhm" Griff grabbed my hand and put his 9ther on my cheek making me turn my head towards him. "Ye-" next thing I knew I was cut off by Griff pressing his lips onto mines, our lips moving together in sync.

We let go and took a breath "c'mon, it's probably time to go back to the cabin" we stood up and started walking back to the camp "yoir lips taste like vanilla" Griff spoke with a sheepish smile on his face. "Well, that's probably because we ate vanilla icecream, duh" we laughed and kept walking back to Grizzly cabin.

We walked in and I ran and jumped on my bed "ah, bed sweet bed, I love you" I said hugging my pillow "hey, I thought you love me" Griff whined "oh, you silly, I love you more than a billion dollars." He smiled widely and sat on my bed "go get in your pajamas" I nodded and stood up and grabbed my pajamas walking in the bathroom.

I Wales out in ma fuzzy wuzzies and saw that Griff was in his pajamas sound asleep on my bed. "Did I really take that long?" I asked myself with a giggle, I walked over and layed beside Griff as I felt arms wrap around my waist, I smiled and scooted closer to him resting my head on his chest, falling asleep.

.::Eric P.O.V ::.

I was walking in the forest phone in hand until I heard something ahead, y/n?

I snuck around to see her and that juvenile boy kissing, I turned on my camera and hit video, catching the whole scene. Mabey this can bring her back, and be with me.

They left and I had the whole video in my gallery, this will be awesome.

Heyyyyyy, I hope you enjoyed this, pls vote and comment, thxxxxx

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