.::New Friends::.

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.::Griff P.O.V::.

The girl, see was pretty, but I wanted to get to know her first. I did like what she was wearing I liked the beanie too. "Uh, Griff, hellooo" I heard someone say. "Hm?, oh what" I said looking at a kid  who dad curly hair and glasses on "uh, your staring at that direction" I looked at Xander and and he had on a face I could not explain "so, anyways, that's Jorge and this is Ravi, he is now councilor also" I nodded  and walked to the bed right beside y/n.

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

I was still coloring in the lines and the background diffrent colors, "uh, Griff , hellooo" I heard Jorge say "hm?, Oh what" "uh, your staring at that direction" he said "so, anyway , that's Jorge and this is Ravi, he is now councilor also", hm Ravi is councilor? I'd like to see that "okay, Ravi I need to show you things to be a good councilor, Jorge ,y/n, and Griff you guys stay here, well be back."
I looked up and nodded "okay" I said and they closed the door. I saw Jorge's head look at me and he walked up to me "so, you came from Russia?" I closed my book and looked at him "ya, I did, but I had to leave because I used to get bullied a lot, and my dad found a job in NewYork" I bent down and grabbed my bag opening it up, sitting my book in it. "Oh, I feel bad, is your dad here" I stopped and looked down "no,......he....died, of lung cancer and a tumor in his head" I layed down with my back on the bed and my head on the pillow. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry I asked" he said in a sad tone "it's okay, all I know is that he's up there in heaven watching over me and my mother" I smiled weakly closing my eyes. "Welp, I'm going to unpack" I said sitting up, getting off of my bed. I looked in the corner of my eye and saw Griff staring at me.

.::Griff P.O.V::.

Y/n told her story about how her father died. I felt bad for her, my parents abandoned me, and I had to steal food and other things to survive "welp, I'm going to unpack" I liked her accent, it was pretty. I was looking at her while she was unpacking......was that weird?
She turned around and smiled at me. I smiled back "so, your a juvenile delinquent,hm?" I nodded and she looked down closing her eyes smiling. She looked back up and Jorge said "what did you get in there for" I looked at him "I stole, it was for survival, and i stole a motorcycle" I told them my whole story, Y/n's eyes went wide and her mouth was agape. "Wow, that's pretty intense, I must say" she laughed a little and went back to unpacking.
Timeskip : After the unpacking

.::Y/n P.O.V::.

I was done unpacking, and Ravi and Xander came back. I got up and walked over to them folding my arms "so, how was Tha trip" I said air quoting the word 'trip' "it was actually fine, now o know what to do and what not to do" Ravi said smiling and nodding. "Hmph, now, can I go see Zuri and Emma" I said sighing "ya, sure go ahead" Xander said walking in. I smiled and ran out heading to Woodchuck cabin.
I ran into someone and fell back "ouch, that hurt" I said standing up rubbing the grass off of my butt. "Oh, sorry, you should probably watch out next time" I heard a sassy voice say infront of me. I looked up and saw a girl with light blonde hair that were in pigtails and she was wearing a camp kikiwaka shirt that had overalls on it. She looked straight back at me and smiled "are you new here, I haven't seen you around I'm Hazel" she said smiling,....a fake one. I know a real smile when I see one. I smiled back "no, I wasnt here last year,  I came with my best friend, Zuri we've known eachother since 3rd grade, and I'm from Russia" I said, her smile dropped "your friends with Zuri?" I nodded.
She crossed her arms and looked straight at me "well then we're going to be friends then" she grabbed my wrist and started walking "wait but I was heading to woodchuck cabin" I spoke "well I'll show you my cabin and then you can go to that smelly cabin of Lou's" I made a weird face and she started walking again, as I almost tripped on my feet I had no choice but to follow her.

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