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My steps are driving me towards him, but my mind is everywhere but here... I am trying to wonder every possible scenario of why would he be on his knee.

I try to scheme every possible answer to let him know how much I love him but I am still not ready for marriage, I am not ready for a lifetime commitment... I have just started my career, I love my work... shit I arrived!

"Isabel, I love you... you were amazing! I came here to tell you how proud I am of you... and I've been meaning to ask you –" his grey eyes shining brighter than the stars above us while his words are skipping their way to my ears.

"Liam. Listen I- I don't know what –" I am stuttering and trembling not knowing if it's because of the cold outside or the fear inside.

"My love, would you like to ..."

"Liam no, please wait... we promised to –"I can't form a freaking sentence

"I just want to know if you are up to a – "he brings his hand from behind his back with a snow ball in it.

"To a snow fight!" and he hits me with the snow ball directly on my head.

I run away from him to grab some snow in order to defend myself but his attack is faster and stronger and he is almost winning the fight well until he stumbled on the snow and I took advantage of the situation.

I gathered as much snow as I could and I started attacking him... I can hear our loud laughter echoing through the alleys of the city and this is the second time in my life I feel unbroken and happy... only this time it feels real.

I worked hard on myself to achieve this state of mind... it didn't come overnight.

I healed myself and now I harvest my hard work.

Sleepless nights, un-drying tears, scary dreams and the sound of my breaking heart paid well...

I learned a lot in my life, but today I learned the most important lesson... Never distract yourself in a snow fight! Because I just did and right now he is tackling me and stuffing my face with fresh snow.

Painlessly my back hits the ground and his body hits on top of me, our laughter is still the only sound until our eyes caught fire in each other, we start hearing Christmas carols from a nearby place.

Our eyes still holding each other, his lips are now holding mine and he is turning our bodies into a fire that could melt all the ice below us.

My skin is cold but every part under is burning with passion and desire.

There is something about what Liam and I share, which I don't know how to put it words but the love we share is mature... we sometimes act like children, but it feels aged and mature.

The next week passed so quickly, both Liam and I were overwhelmed with work. We were spending a minimum of 18 hours per day in the office. We were finishing everything before taking our Christmas vacations. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and the whole gang will be having dinner at Liam's grammy and pops' estate, Louisa called to make sure Jess and Nicky join us and they were happy to.

Liam, Ken, Aiden, and I will be sleeping there the whole weekend... It is the guys' tradition and they want me to tag along this year too. Jess and Nicky booked a taxi to return after dinner but I think they will come around and stay.

I managed earlier today to go buy everyone a gift; I came home with ten bags a bag for each of Pops, Grammy, Louisa, Harold, Jess, Nicky, Aiden, Ken and Zach... the tenth gift was for Adam. I cannot miss a Christmas without getting him our usual gift. Each year on Christmas, I buy him a pair of shoes and he buys a similar pair but we promise not to wear them together. This year I bought us both the same shoes...

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