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"I accept the terms and conditions" I mumbled to myself as I checked the box at the end of the online form. I clicked the enter button and shifted positions as I waited for the webpage to load.

"Thank you for entering, you will be contacted via email and phone if you are short listed for the upcoming show 'Lock In.'" I read aloud from the screen. "YAY!" I said before closing my laptop and taking it downstairs. "Hey mum" I said as I stepped into the kitchen

"Hey love" she said.

"What's for dinner" I asked.

"Lasagne?" She replied, more asking me if that was okay.

"Yeah, that's fine" I said.

"Take Rebel for a walk; it'll be ready by the time you come back" she said smiling.

"Rebel!" I shouted, the german shepherd puppy came running from living room, barking like crazy.

"Wanna come for a walk little girl, come on, let's go for a walk" I said in my puppy talk.

"Be back quick, it's already dark"

"Seriously, what time is it?"


"I'll be back soon" I said putting my denim jacket on top of my 'Miami' t shirt. I pulled my sneakers on and hooked Rebel's lead to his collar. "Bye" I said.

"See you" my mum said as I left the house.

I walked Rebel all around the small town we lived in, the warm evening air surrounding me. Walking into the park, Rebel turned around and barked, I quickly looked back and saw a shadowy figure.

Instantly, I knew who it was, it was Daniel, the biggest asshole in my small school. I carried on walking, slightly faster since he was walking quite fast, hoping I could get out of the huge park before he could catch up to me.

"Hey Lola!" He shouted "Wait Up!" He did a jog sort of thing and quickly caught up with me.

"Hey Dan" I said quickly before sighing.

"Why so glum" he said.

"I don't know" I mumbled. "I'm surprised you know my name"

"Why? You're Lola Christian"

"That doesn't mean anything. yeah, I'm Lola Christian, but that doesn't explain how you know me" I explained, trying to outsmart him. He was a smart person, but he didn't act it.

"I said 'you're Lola Christian' which is a well known name which hovers around our school a lot, implying that I know you through your name" he said raising his eyebrows.

"But just because you know my name, it doesn't mean you know who I am, you don't know how I look or how I act through my name, therefore you don't know me through my name. It makes no sense," I said before panting slightly.

"Okay smart girl, you win. What're you doing here anyway" He questioned. I looked at him confused. I had my dog on a leash literally two meters in front of me. What did It look like I was doing?

"I'm searching for stray bumble bees," I said sarcastically.

"I know you're walking your dog, but I meant, why did you decide to walk him here today. You don't usually walk him through here" he said, crinkling his forehead slightly.

"How do you know whether I bring my dog here everyday or not? And why do you care anyway" I said, maybe a little too harshly. "Plus, why are you talking to me, you never decide to talk to me in school" I added, raising my eyebrows.

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