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Fact of the day: I wrote most of this during a drama lesson
because my teacher wasn't in. She's pregnant. Whoop.

I work hard writing this book so if you enjoy reading please vote and comment. The more votes I get the faster I update :) thanks x


"I need you to wear a blindfold because there's someone inside there that you've never met before," Dan said to me. We were currently sitting inside his car parked on the curb because someone's car was in the drive.

"Is this person so ugly that my eyes will burn and fall out of my head or something," I said before laughing at my own stupid joke.

"No. Come on," he said.

"Fine, as long as your not gonna murder me or anything," I said sternly.

"Would I ever do anything like that?" He asked, laughing before realising I was dead serious. "I won't murder you," he said, mimicking my seriousness.

"Okay. Then I'll wear a blindfold," I said. A smile spread across Dans face. He got out of the car and walked around the front before opening the door for me.

"Okay, let me put it on," he said, pulling out a black bandana from his pocket. I turned the back of my head to him and allowed him to put it on.

"Okay, you're gonna have to guide me to your house and stuff because I can't see anything and I'm scared I'll trip and smash my face," I said.

Dan lead me half way up the drive before cursing. "You're really bad at this, let me just..." Dan trailed off before picking me up and holding me over his shoulder.

"Oh my god, what's happening? I feel like I'm falling, stop it!" I prompted.

"It's okay, you'll be fine just stop struggling or I'll drop you," he said. I instantly stopped and just held onto his torso as tight as I could. Dan opened the front door and went inside. "I'm gonna put you down, don't have jelly legs," he said to me.

"I won't, just put me down before I smash my head," I said. Slowly, Dan put me down and I slipped over my own feet and landed on my bum. "Fuck," I mumbled under my breath. "That hurt," I heard the light switch. "Just because the lights are on, doesn't mean I can see, still got a blind fold on," I said, waving my hand in front of my face, I was still on the floor and wasn't even trying to get up.

"Come 'ere," he said before helping me up. "Okay, now stand here." He said positioning me in the right place. "And hold this," he put something in my hand, it felt like a cup and it had something inside so I was careful not to spill it.

"Okay... Three, two, one," he counted down. "Take your blindfold off," he said.
I used my free hand to pull off my blind fold and I was greeted with around fifty to seventy people all chorusing 'GOODBYE LOLA!' holding American red cups in the air. I looked in my hand and I saw a red cup filled with a blue liquid, straight from the look and strong smell I could tell it was 'WKD'.

I smiled. The only thing that seemed appropriate at the time is what I did. "Cheers!" I shouted holding my cup in the air before drinking the contents. There was a chorus of 'cheers' before everyone else took a drink out of their cups.

And after that was done, music was blasting, everyone was mingling, talking to me and it was a classic red cup party. Drinks in the kitchen, music blasting from everywhere, Dan even had a pool in the back, within an hour the bedrooms would probably have been taken, and the bathroom, and all the supply closets too. That's what normally happened at these parties.

It's funny because these parties happened quite often, usually at one of Dans 'gangs' places, and they tried to make it seem as 'traditional red cup' as they possibly could. Even if that meant going to extreme lengths just to buy cups that were actually red.

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