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I waited for the call. Seven came. 7:10. 7:20. 7:30. 7:40. The time just flew by as I sat with my phone in my hand and my eyes on the clock. The second hand ticked and ticked until the hour hand reached eight and the minute hand reached 1. 8:05. Thats when my phone started ringing, the caller ID flashed up saying Unknown.

I picked up the phone. "Hello?" I said.

"Hi, is this Lola?"

"Hi, yeah it is, is this Nicole?" I asked.

"Yeah. Hi Lola, I'm really sorry, I completely forgot about the time difference," she said.

"I understand," I replied.

"Okay, thank you. So I assure you got the email with the details of what's going on, earlier today," she asked. Her voice was quite high, but not high enough to aggravate me so I was okay.

"Yeah, I did. I didn't read it through properly, I mainly skimmed it just to get a basic idea," I explained.

"Okay, I think it would be a lot easier for me to explain it to you, just so we know here at HQ, that you properly understand what's happening," she explained to me.


"So next week, Sunday, is when your legal guardian, over 18," she added "drops you off at the airport. They have to meet with the advisor coming to pick you up and sign some paper work." She said.

"Seems simple,"

"The advisor you meet with has the plane tickets and you'll be flying here to California with them,"

"So without my parent?" I ask, a little weary.

"Yeah, but don't worry, you're perfectly safe here. You'll be fine," she said, trying to comfort me even though I didn't need it.

"Okay, carry on," I said.

"After you arrive here, you have the day to relax in a hotel, you won't be meeting any one new yet." She said.

"And the hotel I'm staying in. I'll have my own room?" I questioned.

"Yes but, there'll be an advisor or mentor next door to you incase you have any problems or run into any issues," she said.


"After the day of pure relaxing you'll be brought down to the studio where there'll be a live audience and your interviewed, just so the audience gets a feel for who you are." She explained.

"So that interview gets broadcasted on TV?" I asked, slightly shifting on the barstool I was sat on.

"Yeah, it does." She said. "After the interview, you'll be told who your mentor is and what mentee your paired with,"


"Your mentee partner is someone else who is apart of the show. It'll be one of the boys. I trust you know who the winning boys are?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm aware," I answered.

"So Carter Reynolds for example," she said. "And your mentor is someone who helps you and your mentee partner get the best out of the month you have before being locked up,"

"A little more explanation please?" I asked.

"So you have a month before getting locked away to be able to bond with the audience of the show. So basically, using social media to become bigger, so people are more aware of who you are," she explained to me. "If they're able to bond with you and understand who you are, you can build a bigger audience and have more people vote for you,"

"Okay, I get it," I said.

"So your mentor will help you with that. Maybe get you special collaborations to build your audience or have different strategies like arranging meet ups or places in recording studios." She said.

"Yeah, I understand,"

"And your mentee partner is basically there to help you aswell. They've obviously been doing this for a while so they can help you out and what not. For example if you make a YouTube video they can help you edit,"

"I get what your saying," I said "but I don't want to seem needy if you know what I mean. Having to go to your mentee for everything, I want to be more independent, you know?" I pointed out.

"I get what your saying, which is why you have to tell your mentor, they can get you someone to teach you the tips and tricks of editing," she said.

"But isn't the person meant to pick up on it on their own; if you know what I'm saying?" I asked.

"I know, it's just because it's a short space of time and things like editing, you need to be able to know how to do right away so you don't waste too much time on it," she said.

"Okay," I said, understanding her point.

"After the one month you have to build your audience, your then taken to the house, which is basically cut off from the rest of the world. You have no electrical entertainment, you can't access any social media or anything of the sort,"

"What about music?" I ask. "iPod or MP3's?"

"Nope. There's a radio, but that's about it," she said. I puffed the air from my cheeks.

"This is gonna be tough," I said.

"Sure is," Nicole added. "Now the process of elimination," she started. "Every two weeks someone gets kicked off. Basically the audience of the show vote. And the person with the least votes, gets kicked off." She said.

"But what are the audience voting for?" I asked.

"Who they think has been handling it the best for that fortnight," she said. "So if you go loopy..."

"You're gonna get kicked off," I finished.

"So then the rest is easy, if you don't get kicked off, you win," she stated simply.

"So there are cameras set up in the house?" I asked.

"Yeah, everywhere except the bedrooms, bathrooms and wardrobes," she said.

"Okay," I said.

"Have you got any questions?" She asked.

"What should I pack?" I asked.

"You won't need much, everything in the house is provided, like clothes and things of the sort, but for the one month, you'll need to bring your own clothes, just bring as many as you think you'll need." She said.

"Umm... Okay, that's a lot of packing," I said.

"You're going to be put into a studio apartment with another one of the contestants, and there'll be laundry facilities there so you'll be able to wash the clothes,"

"Okay, thanks for the peace of mind,"

"No problem," she said. "Okay Lola, that's all for now, if you have any other questions you can always email me, I'll be happy to answer them,"

"Okay, thank you very much Nicole," I said.

"Bye, looking forward to meeting you,"

"You too, bye bye," I said before hanging up.

That was a lot of information.

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