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Fact of the day: I'm on my period and have a cramp :D

Please participate in voting and commenting, it doesn't take long and tells me people are reading the book so I should carry on updating. Share the story so the chapter targets are hit faster so I can update quicker.


"Bye mum," I said as she left the kitchen. "Wait, mum!" I shouted after her.

"What's wrong?" She asked as she was just about to leave.

"I'm going shopping today with Stacey, can I have some money?" I asked.

"What are you going shopping for?" She asked.

"Some new clothes," I said.

"For your Lock in thing?" She questioned.


"Okay," she said, shuffling through her purse. "This is all I can give you," she said handing me two twenty pound notes.

"That's more than enough," I said. "Thank you," We exchanged goodbyes before I closed the door behind her.

I ate breakfast and watched tv, waiting for Stacey to arrive. She didn't take very long, she was at the door in 10 minutes.

I went and opened it, Rebel greeting her the most, barking and jumping. We both said hello and she came in. I pulled on my black sneakers then put a hoodie on top of my t-shirt.

I shoved my phone and money -my mums £40 and £10 that I managed to scrape up- into my jeans pocket and then my house keys and zip card into my hoodie pocket.

And then we were off, first dropping Rebel off next door, I would've loved to take him with me but dogs weren't allowed at the mall. "Are we getting there by bus?" I asked.

"Yeah, sorry, my mum couldn't drive us she had work," Stacey said. "But I can't believe your gonna be on TV!" She shrieked.

"Shhh...." I said. "It's still the morning and people are trying to sleep."

"It's midday," she pointed out.

"It's Saturday," I shot back.

"Touché," she said as we arrived at the bus stop. "The next bus shouldn't be too long," she said, going over to the timetable and reading. She scanned through all of the times for the bus we needed, the number five. "Meh, two or three minutes," she said.

"Yeah cool,"

"Oh my god Lola! How can you not be freaking out! You're gonna be on tv!" She shrieked - again.

"I don't know," I said. "I'm not freaking out, everyone else in the world is." I said referring to everyone at school. "Hey Lola, you're gonna be on tv on that show Lock in? Cool man, Hook me up? And what channel. Yeah cool man," I said, trying to imitate a hippie.

"That was the most offensive thing I've seen in my life!" Stacey said.

"How could that offend you?"

"You're a drama student and you're the shittest actor I've met in my life," she said, the bus turned onto the road, I stuck my arm out, signalling for it to stop. I pulled my zip card from my pocket.

"Now that's offensive," I said, getting on the bus and tapping my zip card.

"No it's not, it's the truth," she said, we went upstairs, found a couple seats and sat down. The bus ride to the mall was about 30 minutes, but that's what you get from living in a house in the middle of no where. The only shops you'd find around our house were Newsagents or bakery's, maybe you'd find a small grocery store if you walked for a bit.

"Thank you," I said to the driver before stepping off of the bus. The doors on the bus closed and he drove off.

"You don't need the thank the driver, he gets paid to do what he does," Stacey said.

"I know but it's still nice to say thank you, you know."

"Yeah yeah, whatever, let's go," she said grabbing my hand and pulling me around the corner to the mall. It was the only mall for miles and obviously was packed with teenagers on a Saturday. "Hurry up!" She said, pulling me inside. "Where'd you wanna go?" She asked.

"I was thinking about maybe going to pri-"

"Let's go to the vans shop!" She shouted as if for everyone around to hear. She dragged me into vans, it was easy enough for her since it was just in front of us.

"No wait, Stacey I can't even afford anything in here," I squirmed as she pulled me in.

"I told you I'm paying, you need a decent pair of shoes, you can't take that same pair of sneakers you've been wearing your entire life," she moaned.

"I haven't been wearing these my entire life, only a couple of months," I said looking down at my worn out shoes. It's true though, I had been wearing these and a pair of black flats for the past six months and both of them were completely worn out but I wasn't complaining.

"I don't care! They're practically falling apart, come on, let me just buy you one pair of vans," she whined.

"No." I said standing my ground. Next thing you know, I was sitting there while Stacey shoved different shoes on my feet.

"Okay, I'll get you these!" She perked, holding up a pair of low top galaxy/nebula vans.

"They look too expensive," I said. "How much are they?"

"They're fine, plus they're limited edition and authentic," she said. I widened my eyes and gritted my teeth.

"More long words to drive the price up," I said.

"Excuse me," Stacey said walking up to a sales person. "Can I get these in size six," he muttered a 'yeah' and left to get the shoes from he back. "See, I told you to let me buy those... Oh my god!" Stacey screamed in the middle of her sentence, running over to a low top baby blue pair of vans on display. She cooed over them while I put my shoe back on.

She ran over to me. Holding the shoe in her hand. "Look. At. This," she said showing it to me.

"That's pretty," I said.

"Yeah, I need to get a pair for you!" She squealed.

"No, one pair's enough!"

"Just this one other pair and then we'll leave, I promise," she wailed.

"No." I said stubbornly.

And by the time we left the shop I had three pairs of vans, nebula, baby blue and black and an oversized t-shirt that said vans across it that we got for free.

The next stop was Hollister, I had never been in Hollister before, mainly because I knew I couldn't afford anything in there anyway. But this time it was different, I was dragged in against my will.

It was dark inside and took me some time to adjust to the lighting. There were shorts lined up on a table as you walked in, they were all so beautiful but I decided not to show any interest in them to avoid Stacey from buying them.

"These shorts would look adorable on you," she said picking up a pair of denim shorts which were ripped and tattered along the bottom.

"Yeah, but I've got plenty of shorts," I said. But I had to admit, the shorts currently being held to the lower section of my body were indeed adorable.

"You've haven't got any with tatters," she said, picking up another pair in white. "What colour do you want?"

"Neither," I said. "I don't want you spending anymore money on me at all,"

So hey guys, first real authors note, can I say just say thanks :)

Plus, I love you shawnisbaaee. Thanks so much for voting and commenting on pretty much every chapter.

I'm gonna try to have a fact of the day for every chapter :)


Bye x

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