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Fact of the day: It was my first day back to school today and I guess it was okay :D

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I walked out of my English class and waited there for Stacey to come and meet me, it was lunch time and I was starving so I prayed to god she hurried. Dan walked out behind and stood next me, texting someone on his phone. “Lola, what’s your favourite colour?” he asked me.

“I don’t have one,” I said. He carried on typing.

“What about alcohol?” he asked. I looked up at him from my phone.

“How did you go from colour to alcohol?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“It doesn’t matter, what do you like?”

“Anything with low percentages of vodka,” I said “Smirnoff, WKD, any of that stuff. Why?” I asked.

“Don’t worry,” he said, going back to texting on his phone, “Well, see you later,” he said before turning to walk away. “Oh, right,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry for flirting with you yesterday,” he whispered in my ear.

“You’re doing it again, stop,” I said. He walked away, smirking. I waited a couple minutes before Stacey came and rushed me to lunch. “Stacey, wild question, has Dan asked you what your favourite alcohol is by any chance?” I asked as we sped walked to lunch.

“No, he’s not my boyfriend, he’s yours,” she said.

“We’re not dating!” I groaned.

“Whatever,” she said. We got to lunch and I bought the same thing I bought every day, Vanilla shake and a sandwich. We sat at one of the outside benches and ate. “What am I gonna do without you?” she asked. “I’m gonna have to hang with those girls in my class, and I won’t have an excuse to get away from Peter,” Peter was her ex-boyfriend, yes, the one she lost her virginity too, and yes, he’s part of Dan’s crew.

“What do you mean?” I asked “How was I your excuse?”

“I would be like, ‘sorry, can’t talk, Lola’s waiting for me and if I’m not there in time she’ll rip me in half’ and then I just walk away really fast,” she said. “And now you’re not gonna be there to rip me in half anymore.

“Well I’m sorry. You’re gonna have to walk around the school in one piece,” I said. “And why don’t you get back with Peter, he’s sweet,” I said to her before drinking some of my shake.

“If you want him you can have him, I’m done with him,”

“You guys were school best couple for 12 weeks straight,” She just shook her head, I always thought Peter and Stacey we’re the perfect couple. She shook her head. I saw Peter walking out of the lunch hall with some of the other ‘guys’. “Peter!” I called him over.

“Lola, what are you doing?” she mumbled.  “Don’t call him over here,” He waved at me, said something to his friends before coming over and sitting next to Stacey. She kept her head down and avoided looking at him.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Do you want to get back with Stacey?” I asked him straight up.

“Well, I, uhhhh,” he said becoming nervous.

“Let me re-phrase that,” I said. “If Stacey wanted to get back with you, would you?”

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